Pablo Ragoni


The Major Tones
After an accident, Ana needs some metal prosthetics in one of her forearms. During her winter vacation, she notices something strange—as though her arm were an antenna, she begins to receive messages in morse code. This happens every day, but the frequency is different. With a little help from her friends, the young woman spends her days trying to decipher the enigmatic code coming from her body. Is it a song? A call from unthought-of places? Is it a game? Or a simple problem with the prosthetics? As she did in her short films, Ingrid Pokropek relies on fiction to tackle the shortcomings of early adolescence and pay tribute to Buenos Aires City’s geography. In Los tonos mayores, the fantastic barges in little by little, with the same conviction Ana enters the adventure of her life.
Deus Irae
Father Javier lives a fractured existence: on one side, he helps families who've witnessed miracles, and on the other he belongs to a trio of excommunicated priests who hunt the possessed down to exorcise them under their own terms: with Bibles, fire and shotguns.
From the meeting between Armando Bó and Isabel Sarli, and from the sperm dragged by the force of the water from the Iguazú falls, a girl emerges with no identity or memory who will have to face a nightmarish world with the only tool of a limitless desire that it will burn everything.
​​Saturdays Disorders
Smog in Your Heart
The maximum nonsense of life plays with the feelings of the owner and the employees of a tennis complex.
Park Ranger Pablo Silva remakes his life in his new destination, a forgotten and troubled place that few want to go to, the Pereyra Iraola Park. Soon, under an apparent tranquility, he discovers a network of poachers, traffc and hoaxes. His old hunter instinct will arise. He can hide from everyone, except himself.
Fuga de la Patagonia
Francisco Pascacio Moreno
Escape from Patagonia is a gaucho-western film set in the tumultuous Patagonia of late nineteenth century. It's a story of survival, based on real facts from the personal diary of the Argentinian pioneer Francisco P. Moreno.
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