Daniel Zimmerman


A documentary comprising a thirteen 360° panning shots that gradually reveal the environments and conditions in which wood is transported from Austria to Brazil.
A documentary comprising a thirteen 360° panning shots that gradually reveal the environments and conditions in which wood is transported from Austria to Brazil.
Stick Climbing
A contemplative walk leads to a bizarre climb. The camera, which has barely touched on an everyday rural landscape, attaches itself to a wooden track to follow a breakneck route over a vertical rock face. At the end: a view of the starting point of the journey - the village! It is only a few minutes of film, but hints at an eternity, far, deep under the rock face.
Lauberhornrennen im Sommer
The Lauberhorn ski race, the longest in the world, is taking place in the summer this year. Ten thousand wooden slats laid out in a perfect course that the skiers could never make themselves. As a spectator, we get inside the skiers who race down at a dizzying speed. Accompanied by a live commentary.
Bobrennen im Sommer
Bobsleighing in the summer is, of course, not really a very good idea, yet Daniel Zimmerman manages to do it. On a summer Alpen meadow, he patiently constructs a track of about ten thousand wooden slats. Thanks to the stop motion technique, his camera takes us on a thundering journey through the mountain landscape. The soundtrack provides an Olympic atmosphere. With a flashy parody of the ride film to boot. And a curious example of land art.
Der Wurf