Ivan S. Tverdovskiy

Ivan S. Tverdovskiy

Birth : 1961-02-26, Shchelkovo, USSR (Russia)


Ivan S. Tverdovskiy


Fifty Shades of Tolerance
On November 16, 1995, the UNESCO General Conference adopted the "Declaration of Principles of Tolerance". And immediately after that, the word TOLERANCE itself acquired various connotations. And there is still no clear idea of the meaning of this word. Although, in fact, everything is very simple. This is the film "Fifty Shades of Tolerance".
Road movie of the Holy Fire. An almost fabulous journey from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem to Yakutsk and further along Yakutia - Ust May, Petropavlovsk, Ust Miles, Eldikan, through three rivers, along the harsh Aldan, deep into the taiga and to the Khabarovsk Territory... By planes, ferries, boats, by helicopter, by boat, meeting various wonderful people on his way, Sergey carries the Holy Fire across the country to the temples that he built himself.
Many years after a deadly terrorist siege in a Moscow theatre, survivor Natalya returns to the crime scene to hold a memorial evening, finally able to confront her survivor's guilt and her estranged daughter and husband.
Parajanov. Tarkovsky. Antipenko. Chiaroscuro
The poetic film essay on poems by Arseny Tarkovsky reveals the mystery of the fate and work of three prominent filmmakers - Sergey Parazhdanov, Andrey Tarkovsky, Alexandr Antipenko.
Eastern Front
Much has been said about the Great Patriotic War (World War II), but more has not been said. This film shows the war with the eyes of the German soldiers. It is the story of an error of fatal choice that has been the cause of the most cruel war in the history of humanity.
Ulyanov about Ulyanov
As film specialists write: "From the roles played by Ulyanov, one can study the history of the country". Through his roles in film and theater, he has reflected all the periods, all the historical collusions of the Soviet Union. He has interpreted more than three hundred roles, from the simple peasant to the leaders and emperors. Being laureate of all state awards, rewarded with orders and medals, cherished by power, being himself in power, he could not "be bronze". Our film is about an actor and a remarkable man: Mikhail Alexandrovich Ulyanov.
Ulyanov about Ulyanov
As film specialists write: "From the roles played by Ulyanov, one can study the history of the country". Through his roles in film and theater, he has reflected all the periods, all the historical collusions of the Soviet Union. He has interpreted more than three hundred roles, from the simple peasant to the leaders and emperors. Being laureate of all state awards, rewarded with orders and medals, cherished by power, being himself in power, he could not "be bronze". Our film is about an actor and a remarkable man: Mikhail Alexandrovich Ulyanov.
Weather Forecast
It's easy to find out the weather forecast. It is enough to make one click on your phone, tablet or computer. Hardly anyone at this moment is thinking about how this information gets into gadgets. Where and how does the forecast come from? The old ship "Mikhail Somov" goes along the Northern Sea Route from Arkhangelsk to Wrangel Island. For Russian polar explorers, this is the only connection with the mainland. Once a year, Mikhail Somov delivers food, fuel, and equipment to weather stations…
Welcom the Pyramid
Three people in the remote mothballed mining village of Pyramid on the island of Svalbard are implementing a fantastic idea of the high authorities to create a large Arctic tourism center in the village.
Mom It's Me
Former children's homes Inna and Dima are struggling to establish a normal life for themselves and their four-year-old daughter Vary, but something all the time goes wrong? not one, so another.
Grumant: The Island of Communism
Every year, a group of Russian seasonal workers returns to bleak Barentsburg on the island of Svalbard to perform dangerous work in the mines.
Grumant: The Island of Communism
Every year, a group of Russian seasonal workers returns to bleak Barentsburg on the island of Svalbard to perform dangerous work in the mines.
Grumant: The Island of Communism
Every year, a group of Russian seasonal workers returns to bleak Barentsburg on the island of Svalbard to perform dangerous work in the mines.
Long. Black. Cloud is coming down
Two young residents of Moscow, recently graduated, hire a car, buy tickets and drive... Their parents built communism, their grandfathers overcame fascism, but for them there is nothing to built and to struggle for. Two young residents of Moscow, recently graduated, spend time on the internet and do not clearly understand what they are living for, don’t understand their country and don’t see a perspective in the future. Television has plagued them with Big Winter Olympic Games in Sochi and they hire a car, buy tickets and drive throughout the country to see competitions, Black sea and Russian countryside.
Sweet Life
Masha is a kept woman. She lives in Moscow with a support of her rich married lover. One day she begins to make her own video-blog on YouTube, advising other women how to behave with men. This blog starts very quickly to gain unpredictable popularity. The film follows the vicissitudes of Masha\'s life, her attempt to become independent, her travel to motherland (Ukraine) and her fails to find love without price.
Koktebel Stones
The film tells about the founding of the city of Koktebel a real secret adviser Eduard Jung, who in 1890 left the service in Moscow and moved to the arid lands of the future Koktebel. Maximilian Voloshin in 1903 in Koktebel began to build his own house, which later became the center of the spiritual life of Russia.
Dell and His Space to Dwell
Once upon a time, a stage director with German surname Dell read from Saltykov-Shchedrin that «Skopin is such city where any person has no reason to dwell». So he decided to create a real theatre there, in Ryazan region, in a small provincial town, «where any person has no reason to dwell».
Two Sides of One Horse
To understand what is happening in modern Russia, it is not enough to go out and look around, or read news bulletins. If you want to get insight, the best way is to radically change the angle of view and look at everything, for example, with the eyes ... of a horse that serves in the operational regiment in the center of the capital.
Trough, Skis, Bike
40 km of dirt road. 35 villages. 12 residents. Soon there will be no one left.
On the way to Las Vegas
The main character is Karina Barbie, a star of striptease, who invented herself the image of "The Living Doll". The walking encyclopedia of the blonde. Arrived to conquer Moscow from Karaganda. From the movie, the viewer learns that Karina-Barbie is going to move the Madonna and make a pink castle in Las Vegas ... What is hidden behind the mask of a glamorous diva? Does the imaginary image correspond to the girl. Or is she playing so hard that she does not remember her true face?
Pianism is the occupation of piano music. Means masterly possession of the instrument. In the life of the main character, the honored artist of Russia, laureate of international competitions Sergey Musaelyan, this term takes a slightly different meaning.
Portrait «Under the Fly»
Little novels from the life of the Leningrad poet Oleg Grigoriev. His fate, like his poems, is a flip-flop, where good and evil exist under the masks of each other.
Loyalty to the Memory of a Soldier. Grigory Chukhray
In the mid-50s of the last century, at the dawn of the Khrushchev thaw, an unknown young director Grigory Chukhray, whose debut - the film "Forty - first" - became a bid for big cinema, quickly and boldly broke into the Soviet cinema. Then, one after another, followed "The Ballad of the Soldier", "Clear Sky", which became a real breakthrough to historical truth and an example of civic courage.
Загадки Рихарда Зорге
Big Vacation of the 30s
Documentary-chronicle." A film about the 30s of the twentieth century, built exclusively on chronicle footage. His epilogue may be the phrase: "And tomorrow there was a war" - in the meantime, people go to work, walk with children, celebrate the New Year. This is a montage picture from excerpts of chronicle films of the 30s. The chronicles depict many demonstrations, processions, speeches, but in detail the life of not gods and giants, but the most ordinary people who make history is guessed.