Vadim Bogdanov


In Limbo
Pyotr Semyonovich
This is the story of two sixteen-year-olds, Alexandra Makarova and Danila Krasnov, who are fighting for their love and their right to be themselves. In order to be together, they must escape from their homes, go into hiding, and lead a double life. Trying to protect their freedom of choice and their individuality, they cross the line and turn into Bonnie and Clyde on the run, trying to avenge the world that has no room for them.
Moscow Does Not Happen
An unremarkable Russian town holds some terrible secrets. The simple working guy Lyokha gets acquainted with the beautiful Masha. She shows him photos that he cannot remember. Lyokha goes to see his father, but finds out that the latter died several days ago. The father left lots of mysterious notes, but a local gang and a mysterious visitor from Moscow are after them. You find out everything if you remember!
Something for Nothing
Max Flamberk, an uncompromising police detective, is conducting an unofficial investigation into the case of missing people. He obsessively believes that all the missing are mysteriously connected between, but none of his colleagues share his views. When the hero came close to solving the clue, the key witness perishes mysteriously. And everything looks as if Max, who had lost his mind, is guilty of this. Having lost the badge and trust of former colleagues, Max has the only chance to return his good name - to reveal this confusing business. But it will not be so easy, because now, in addition to former colleagues, Max is hunted by an ominous stranger from another world who clearly does not want the truth to come to light.
Ice Hole
All day long the TV shows an ice-hole. Ice-holes are the theme of the day, a winter tradition that unites believers and sportsmen, stars and walruses, the president and the unemployed. In the centre of the news reports are the topics of Baptism, fishing and the criminal chronicle. The president and a pike, the artist and the crit- ics, the oligarch and the law enforcement team – they all meet at an ice- hole in search of solutions for their problems. The jobless Muscovite, with bad habits, dives down an ice-hole for a wife, just like Sadko. The fairy- tale plots intertwine with documentary context, and it is no longer clear where reality ends. Remember Nietzsche: if you long gaze into the abyss, the abyss will also gaze into you.
In the not-so-distant future the computer game industry reaches its fullest flower. Virtual reality is indistinguishable from real life. The government launches Department C to control the game space. Censors secretly delve into games. Their mission is to take sex and violence beyond the forbidden level. A game that would let them do that must be banned. One of the Censors is a good guy who hates his bloody job. The other one is a creep. But even the Censors lose their ability to tell the game from the real world.
Every evening a deep-rooted cynic Andrey wears a smoking and shouts "Bravo!" at the theater performances. He gets paid for getting audience emotional. Andrey is absolutely sure that all people lie until he meets the sincerest girl among the audience.