Ahmad Ahmadov


Execution Day
After the novel of the same name of Yusif Samadoghlu. The film is about three intervals in time: the distant past, yesterday and today, about innocent victims, about repression, and conquest of different countries.
The Native Shores
The film is about frontier-guards who averts the diversion in hydroelectric power station which was built by another state.
The Husband of Young Woman
The film is about man falling in love with young girl and his wish to be young too.
The Pain of a Baby Tooth
A young boy through a period of transition. His last baby tooth, which symbolises this period, is sore. He is scared of pulling it out, of saying goodbye to his dead mother and to his childhood. No one understands him, be is deprived from material physical affection. He himself does not understand his father who has brought another woman home. He feels this is an act of betrayal towards his dead mother.
Only You
After the story of same name of Ilyas Afandiyev. The film is about two young people's love.
Şəhərli Biçinçilər
An Old Ferry
Saddle these Horses
The film is about Gachag Nabi's heroism.
The Music Teacher
The film is about the music teacher who came to the village to teach the children.
Uzeyir's Life
The historical film about Azerbaijan composer Uzeyir Hadjibeyov's life.
The Day after Tomorrow at Midnight
After the novel of the same name of M. Avdiyev and A. Donets. The film is about first operations of National State Security.
The Strange Man
When the Owl Flies
After the novelette of the same name of M.Ibrahimbeyov. Tahir is twelwe. His parents are seperating and he is troubled by incident which impels his guestion the nature of relations between men and women.
Garib in the Land of Jinn
Wonderful Apples
The film is about the gardener who cultivated magic apples which brought luck to people.
The film is a biographical true story about life of Imadaddin Nasimi, well known throughout the East for his school of philosophy and thought, poems and promotion of moral values in a feudal society. During the 14th-15th centuries, when Azerbaijan was a stage for warring powers and civil wars, Nasimi was the only poet committed to promotion of humanism and moral values inflicting criticism on the ruling system and the society itself. For his intruding role in feudal regimes, Nasimi lived a complex and tragic life.
The Life Tests Us
After the novel of the same name of Vidadi Babanli. Rashid, a young man, fails the entrance exam to the Institute and started to live by independent life, about people round him.
The Last Mountain Pass
Based on a novel by Farman Karimzade, the movie shows the life in an Azerbaijani village under the Soviet rule in 1930s. Here two former "beys" (land owners) are opposing each other. One is loyal to the ideology of the past and can't reconcile himself to the new power, to second rejects the past and accepts the power of the Bolsheviks, believing that it will establish justice.
The Stars don't Fade
Shared Bread
While there is famine during WW2, a boy with mom far away, tries to stay strong.
The Tempestuous Kura
Allahyar's Friend
After the novel of the same name of I.Shykhly. The film is about new intelligenzia in Azerbaijan at the beginning of the XX c.
In the Name of  the Law
The film is about the public prosecutor who fought against the criminality but was killed by them.
Dağlarda Döyüş
The Twenty Six Comissars
The film is about dramatic revolutionary events happened in 1918 in Baku.