Alain-Michel Blanc

Alain-Michel Blanc


Alain-Michel Blanc


Abbé Pierre - A Century of Devotion
Born and raised a catholic, Henri Groues is determined to become a priest. WWII begins and decides otherwise : he joins the Resistance. Losing a friend on the battlefield, facing the horrors of war but the beauty and strengh of brotherwood Henri Groues emerges as a new man : L’Abbé Pierre. From the end of WWII to his death in 2007 L’Abbé Pierre will live many lives and face many battles. State representative, founder of Emmaus, L’Abbé Pierre will fight for the homeless and give a voice to the speechless. A French figure, L’Abbé Pierre met Charlie Chaplin, De Gaulle, Einstein... A humanist, he met everyone in needs. His dedication earned him the respect of his peers and a place in every hearts. His impact earned him a place in History.
Citoyen d'honneur
Samir Amin is a fulfilled writer, Nobel Prize for Literature, who lives in Paris, far from his native country, Algeria.He systematically refuses all the invitations made to him. Until the day when he decides to accept to be made "Honorary Citizen" of Sidi Mimoun, the small town where he was born.But should he again meet with the inhabitants of this city, who year after year became the heroes of his various novels?
Une belle équipe
The women in a small rural town join forces to form a football club in order to save the funding for their city's field.
First Man
Man’s early ancestors set off to conquer the world, to explore the unknown, to adapt to every environment. And one day, to conquer fire – a discovery that made them invincible. They built shelters. They transformed their environment. But still this did not slake their thirst for more. They sought to fathom Nature’s mysteries. They invented stories to explain the inexplicable. Now, they are Men. Here, for the very first time in television history, is the saga of our origins, told through the story of one single family - an epic journey upon which the latest scientific discoveries shine an exciting new light.
One Man and his Cow
An Algerian man's life-long dream finally comes true when he receives an invitation to take his cow Jacqueline to the Paris International Agriculture Fair.
Farid, a young 26-year-old Frenchman, must travel to Algeria to save his father's house. While discovering this country in which he had never before set foot, he succumbs to the charms of a host of astonishing characters whose humour and simplicity affect him deeply. Amongst these is his cousin, a bright and lively young man who has the dream of one day going to France...
The Source
A comedy/drama set in a village and centered on a battle of the sexes, where women threaten to withhold sexual favours as long as the men refuse to install a water pipe.
Free Men
In Paris during WWII, an Algerian immigrant is inspired to join the resistance by his unexpected friendship with a Jewish man. Based on not very known facts about the Muslim community in Paris during WWII, when the Paris Mosque and its dynamic leader played a pivotal role in supporting the resistance and rescuing Jews.
Le Jeu de la mort
The Game of Death is a documentary co-produced by France Télévisions and Radio Television Switzerland1 in 2009 and staging a fake game show (The Xtreme Zone) during which a candidate must send electric shocks increasingly strong candidate to another until voltages that can cause death. The staging reproduces the Milgram experiment carried out initially in the United States in 1960 to study the influence of authority on obedience: electric shocks are fictitious, an actor pretending to suffer, and objective is to test the ability to disobey the candidate who inflicts this treatment and who is not aware of the experiment. The notable difference with the original experience is that scientific authority is replaced by a television presenter, Tania Young.
The Concert
A former world-famous conductor of the Bolshoï orchestra, known as "The Maëstro", Andreï Filipov had seen his career publicly broken by Leonid Brezhnev for hiring Jewish musicians and now works cleaning the concert hall where he once directed. One day, he intercepts an official invitation from the prestigious Théâtre du Châtelet. Through a series of mad antics, he reunites his old orchestra, now composed of old alcoholic musicians, and flies to perform in Paris and complete the Tchaikovsky concerto interrupted 30 years earlier. For the concerto, he engages a young violin soloist with whom he has an unexpected connection.
Ezra, jeune ex-soldat Sierra-Léonais, essaie tant bien que mal de retrouver des repères pour revenir à une vie normale après la guerre civile qui a ravagé son pays. Son quotidien est partagé entre un centre de réhabilitation psychologique et un tribunal de réconciliation nationale organisé sous l'égide de l'ONU. Durant le procès en réhabilitation auquel Ezra participe, il doit affronter sa soeur qui l'accuse du meurtre de leurs parents. Ezra, qui a traversé cette violente guerre civile complètement drogué et alcoolisé, ne se souvient de rien. Ezra reconnaîtra-t-il l'horreur et par ce fait, permettra-t-il à sa soeur et à sa communauté villageoise d'accéder au pardon ?
Live and Become
In 1980 the black Falashas in Ethiopia are recognised as genuine Jews and are secretly carried to Israel. The day before the transport the son of a Jewish mother dies. In his place and with his name (Schlomo) she takes a Christian 9-year-old boy.
Les pygmées de Carlo
Scenario Writer
Carlo Ercole, a maestro of Italian cinema, asks his assistants to depart immediately for the Central African rainforest to find some Pygmies, "the incarnation of life", for the film he plans to shoot in Paris. Hardly cut out for such an adventure, Marc and Olivier are thrown into the maelstrom of a major African city. With the help of their beautiful guide, Désirée, they eventually make it into the equatorial rainforest, headed for a Pygmy Utopia.
Assistant Director
Lena, the operator of a lingerie shop where she models the merchandise for some of her male customers in order to make a sale, is approached by a mysterious woman.
Les petits dessous des grands ensembles
Second Assistant Director
There are small problems everywhere, including in a Paris area bourgeois housing development. In this particular building, a motley crew tries to resolve shared co-ownership problems. Among them, a Foreign Legion colonel and his dog; an unfaithful gynecologist and his fiery nurse; a voyeuristic filmmaker and his editor in love; a Don Juan-type antique dealer; an adorable old lady and her nice son who turns into a drag queen at night; an FIFG interviewer; an unbearable opera singer; a lesbian; a deceived woman.
Les petits dessous des grands ensembles
There are small problems everywhere, including in a Paris area bourgeois housing development. In this particular building, a motley crew tries to resolve shared co-ownership problems. Among them, a Foreign Legion colonel and his dog; an unfaithful gynecologist and his fiery nurse; a voyeuristic filmmaker and his editor in love; a Don Juan-type antique dealer; an adorable old lady and her nice son who turns into a drag queen at night; an FIFG interviewer; an unbearable opera singer; a lesbian; a deceived woman.