Key Animation
The story of a young prince and young princess from opposing tribes, as they struggle to deal with their lives and the hardship brought on by their position in their respective families.
Key Animation
Abandoned in a wooden box, Bun-Bun is an innocent new born puppy. Picked up by a stray dog called Uncle Tyke, Bun-Bun is taught how to look for food, heal sickness, fight off other stray dogs and, in general, how to live on the edge of society.
Key Animation
Three years after the Hiroshima bombing, a teenager helps a group of orphans to survive and find their new life.
Key Animation
A story about the effect of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on a boy's life and the lives of the Japanese people.
The world's most wanted master thief, Lupin the Third, is dead! Despite a coroner's report, Interpol Inspector Zenigata is sceptical and discovers that Lupin is actually alive and well and stealing. But who had set up Lupin's death and why?