"The Crow" - During the meaningless war years, a new lifestyle emerged in Lebanon : neither capitalist nor socialist. A military lifestyle. A whole generation of Lebanese were born and raised in war climate as a result of their inclination towards death and confusion. This generation does not imagine another life. The sounds of automatic fireworks are mixed with the sounds of folk instruments at every holiday or family celebration.
After the story of same name of Ilyas Afandiyev. The film is about two young people's love.
After the story of the same name of S. Veliyev. It's devoted about life concerns of oil workers and their children.
Music Editor
The film is about the music teacher who came to the village to teach the children.
Too old grandpa is being celebity by news maker who came from centre. But then he recollected something weird things about his missus .
After the novelette of the same name of Magsud Ibrahimbeyov.