Hunter Clary

Hunter Clary


Hunter Clary


Young Mark
Fuel is the story of a young man's struggle to save his girl from an abusive environment. Emilio discovers that he has the ability to run incredibly fast. With the hope of a scholarship, he sees an opportunity to be able to leave his hometown, along with all his troubles, and take Sandy with him. But a tragic flaw, a violent streak he possesses, induced by exposure to gasoline vapors, will all but destroy his best-laid plans. Emilio's hopes race through his heart, not like blood, but like fuel.
Meet the Spartans
Leo, Jr.
The heroic Leonidas, armed with nothing but leather underwear and a cape, leads a ragtag group of 13 Spartans to defend their homeland against the invading Persians (whose ranks include Ghost Rider, Rocky Balboa, the Transformers, and a hunchbacked Paris Hilton). No one is safe when the Spartans take on the biggest icons in pop culture!
Snow Wonder
A suspiciously magical Christmas Eve snowstorm blows some small miracles into the lives of people around the country.
Transporter 2
Jack Billings
Professional driver, and former Special Forces officer, Frank Martin is living in Miami, where he is temporarily filling in for a friend as the chauffeur for a government narcotics control policy director and his family. The young boy in the family is targeted for kidnapping, and Frank immediately becomes involved in protecting the child and exposing the kidnappers.