Urs Hauck


Die sieben geheimen Atompläne der DDR
Sound Mix Technician
Wie klingt der Urknall – Botschaften vom Anfang des Universums
Mixing Engineer
The Auctioneers: Profiting from the Holocaust
Mixing Engineer
From 1938-1939, the systematic anti-Semitism of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis led to violence and despotism towards Jewish citizens, along with the exploitation of Jewish property. Tax inspectors, bailiffs, pawnbrokers, and auctioneers were among the major profiteers of the Holocaust. This documentary goes on a hunt for relics of the past and those who've profited most from the injustices of WWII.
Java in Jeopardy - Exploring the Volcano
Sound Designer
Scientists regard it as one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world. Time and again, Merapi, the Fire Mountain of Java in Indonesia, has proved its deadly potential. The risk of another serious eruption is high and could even have global consequences. Now scientists are looking at a mysterious tectonic disturbance: a crack that has suddenly wound its way through the center of the volcano.
Plastic: The Real Sea Monster
Mixing Engineer