Andrey Ivanov

Andrey Ivanov


Andrey Ivanov


Director of Photography
In December of 1925, renowned American dancer Isadora Duncan arrives at the Soviet-Latvian border, where she makes arrangements for her lover Yesenin to flee from the USSR. All he has to do is get on the train to Riga. The poet secretly travels from Moscow to snowy Leningrad, where he gets caught up in a crazy whirlwind of events. While trying to evade surveillance by secret services, he has a series of fateful encounters. He finds both solace and despair in the city’s criminal underground. Despite the many obstacles he faces along the way, he remains determined to reunite with Isadora.
Director of Photography
The devil can be smart, charming, articulate, a philosopher, a critic, an ideologue, sarcastic, sarcastic, angry, and forgiving. Especially if it is played by Fyodor Bondarchuk. Or does he not play it?
Director of Photography
Ilya Goryunov has spent seven years in prison on false charges of drug trafficking. When Ilya is free he realizes that the old life that he yearned for is no more. Although he did not intend to take revenge on the man who sent him to prison, now there is no other way out.
The Green Carriage
Director of Photography
A famous movies director tries to understand why his life started to change so drastically.
Who Am I?
Director of Photography
Investigator Sergey Shumov has a mystery on his hands. On a platform near a Moscow-Sevastopol train station the police have found a young man without documents and no memory. In near perfect detail, he can recall historical dates, songs of his favorite band, but can't recollect his name or say where he’s from. And frustrating Shumov’s search for answers even further are the young man’s personal belongings that offer not one clue to his identity.
Night Express
Director of Photography
Adaptation of the Ernest Hemingway short story "Hills Like White Elephants".
White Night
Director of Photography
In the center of the story is a young man who saves from skinheads a black young woman after which a curious relationship begins between them ...
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Director of Photography
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