Wes Chew


The Department
Sound Designer
THE DEPARTMENT is a feature documentary which takes us inside the never-before-seen child protection system at work in NSW. Filmed in an observational style, it follows caseworkers across the state as they navigate the complexities of keeping children safe in families experiencing domestic violence, addiction, poverty, mental health issues and intergenerational trauma.
Sound Designer
Thirteen-year-old Mila Malinov wakes up alone in the back of a cab. Arriving at the densely packed apartment block of zone 21, she makes her way to her room as the watchful eye of the global government hovers above in the form of monitor drones. Across the courtyard, another set of eyes watches her, a protective Mother. Her room is small, cubed, and very simplistic. In her ear, a voice keeps her company. Her father, Darko Malinov checks in. He speaks to her through an earpiece making sure she’s okay. The next day, Mila visits the local bartering station that’s at the end of the long alley that hugs her apartment block. Currency in this world has resorted back to bartering, swapping items for other items. Mila finds a group of interested buyers and swaps a capacitor for some food, all while her father guides her. That night, she shares a meal with her father via voice, wishing that he was there instead. As Mila sleeps, a figure sneaks up to her door making Mila nervous.
Second Best
Sound Mixer
Velika and Nouchka are identical twins, but their overbearing mother and their individual fortunes may just sever their connection forever.
Second Best
Sound Editor
Velika and Nouchka are identical twins, but their overbearing mother and their individual fortunes may just sever their connection forever.
Jeremy the Dud
Sound Mixer
Imagine a world in which having a disability was the norm, and the select few that don't, duds, experience the same condescending and patronizing attitudes as people with disabilities experience in our society.
Jasper Jones
Scoring Mixer
Charlie Bucktin is a bookish boy of 14. His life changes forever when Jasper Jones, the city's multiracial outsider, shows him the body of young Laura Wishart one night. Entrusted with this secret and believing Jasper to be innocent, Charlie embarks on a dangerous journey to find the true killer.
Dinosaur Island
Supervising Sound Editor
The adventure begins when Lucas, a 13 year old boy, embarks on the vacation of a lifetime. When disaster strikes, Lucas finds himself stranded in a strange land littered with ghost ships and prehistoric creatures. While searching for other signs of life, Lucas hears a radio broadcast in the distance and is drawn into the jungle where he encounters a beautiful young girl who claims to have come from the 1950s. Together they set out on a quest to get home all the while uncovering secrets that will forever change the future.
Sound Designer
When the batteries on her trusty 'pink rabbit' vibrator go flat, a frisky young house wife is forced to improvise to get her rocks off. Just when all seems futile, God answers her prayers.
Sound Mixer
When the batteries on her trusty 'pink rabbit' vibrator go flat, a frisky young house wife is forced to improvise to get her rocks off. Just when all seems futile, God answers her prayers.
The Hunter
Score Engineer
Martin, a mercenary, is sent from Europe by an anonymous biotech company to the Tasmanian wilderness on a hunt for the last Tasmanian tiger.
The Goat That Ate Time
Sound Recordist
A goat with an appetite for life realises that time is dangerously delicious.