Nasrdin Dchar

Nasrdin Dchar

Birth : 1978-11-05, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands


Nasrdin Dchar is a Moroccan-Dutch actor and presenter. Dchar has acted in many theatre productions. His first important television appearance was in Cut, a popular youth series of BNN. He is also seen in soap opera Onderweg naar Morgen, Eddy Terstall's Mannenharem and as a lead character in drama series VARA Deadline. He also presents AVRO 'Op de Bon'. Dchar is a Muslim and when he played a gay man in Mannenharem it caused some controversy within the Dutch Islamic community. He also played in the film Rabat, a role for which he received the prestigious Gouden Kalf award for Best Actor on September 30, 2011. He played Felix Halverstad in the 2012 Dutch film Süskind. In 2013 he played a gay nurse in the television series "Charlie".


Nasrdin Dchar


Faithfully Yours
The Love
Moroccan-Dutch Karim returns to his family home and opens up to his parents about being into men. Their reaction inspires a journey of discovery through Karim's isolation as he attempts to break an ingrained culture of silence.
Kop op
A discovered alien washing machine exchanges the heads of three friends, now they must experience each other's lives. In five short stories we see what extraordinary things they experience.
De Sterfshow
If you pursued populism, cancel culture and hatred on social media to their extremes, perhaps you would get a weekly, crowd-pulling reality show in which viewers can vote for which compa­triot must be executed — liter­ally. This brazen thriller follows Salman Seegers, who starts working for the Sterf­show (Death Show) as a pathol­o­gist. It comes easy to him, until a candi­date ends up on top of the Death List who is very dear to him.
For most Dutch people, the COVID-19 lockdown proclaimed by PM Rutte is no picnic. However, for Hussein, who suffers from agoraphobia, a world opens up.
A thirty-something aspiring children's author, labeled "meskina" (pity case) by her Moroccan-Dutch community for still being career-less and single, sets out to once and for all find professional success and true love.
Nasrdin Dchar: Adem
Moroccan-Dutch actor and stage performer Nasrdin Dchar attempts to make sense of the chaos that was the year 2020.
Nasrdin Dchar: Adem
Moroccan-Dutch actor and stage performer Nasrdin Dchar attempts to make sense of the chaos that was the year 2020.
Els, a former surgeon, and the Palestinian refugee Sulayman happen to sit opposite each other on the train. There is nothing that suggests the great impact of their conversation: it puts their lives on a new track.
In Limbo
Oscar van Beek
Acquitted of a fatal on-duty incident but tormented by its harrowing personal repercussions, a police officer and impending father struggles to piece his uprooted life back together while sent on leave to a holiday resort in Greece.
Orange Fever
As the whole country is preparing for the World Cup, all characters are confronted with the Dutch ‘Orange Fever’, which seems to either bring them closer together, or drift them apart.
The Cache
Highly intelligent hacker Lillian joins a cybersecurity company in order to gain access to the bank where her father used to work. She discovers nothing is what it seems and it turns out she isn’t the only one pretending to be someone else. But where do we draw the line between activism and terrorism?
Heads Together
Three friends with different cultural origins find an abandoned washing machine while playing. To their shock, they find out that the washing machine has strange powers: their heads are swapped by sticking them in the washing machine. When it turns out their heads can't be swapped back, they must go back home with each other's heads. Because their households have very different habits and traditions, they end up in awkard situations. Through these situations, they learn a lot of new things about each other.
An intelligent woman keeps falling for the wrong guy. With her latest lover David and a kilo of cocaine in her purse she barely escaped an arrest. Back in Holland she starts a B&B. Her first guest is the attractive Aziz, who wants to steal an old Moroccan mosaic at the International Art Fair.
Between 10 and 12
Police Officer
A piece of news, delivered by two officers in a police car, changes the lives of a family forever. As the journey to track down the next of kin progresses, the vehicle becomes more and more crowded with family members, picked up from home, work, the hairdressers. As they sit in the backseat, alone with their thoughts, what they thought they knew about life, about relationships, has been violently altered.
Young female police officer Nurgül Özdemir lives her life in a rural environment. When she gets asked for an undercover mission in Amsterdam, she grabs the opportunity to get out of the problems this place is giving her. She leaves her homesick father and dependent mother behind in an attempt to find out what she really wants with her life. In Amsterdam Nurgül gets to play a key role in the exposure of a drugdealer and learns what it is to be an undercover agent. During the mission, she finds out the secrets about her long lost brother and discovers the real reason why she was sent to Amsterdam
The Intruder
Sam Almaleh
In this smart and incisive thriller, a Dutch cop of Moroccan heritage goes undercover in a Moroccan drug ring and finds there a feeling of belonging he never experienced in "normal" society.
A promising kickboxer struggles to resist the temptations of a life of crime.
Almost Italian
An Italian car salesman wants to impress the woman of his dreams, but he gets entangled in his own web of lies.
Felix Halverstadt
In Nazi-occupied Amsterdam, Walter Süskind is a member of the Dutch Jewish Council who rescues hundreds of children from the concentration camps.
A mosaic film about a group of people in the city of Rotterdam, The Netherlands strugging with loneliness, hope and love.
Three friends drive from Holland to Morocco to deliver a taxi to a family friend, but the trip turns out more complicated than expected.
Jörgen's world is crumbling. Forced into early retirement and harassed by his ex-wife, the only part of his life which makes sense - his beloved daughter Tirza - is shattered when she disappears on holiday in Namibia. After weeks of terrifying uncertainty, Jörgen goes searching for her, but the heat, his drinking and bad memories combine to unhinge him. His only ally is a child prostitute called Kaisa. Together they journey into the wilderness on Tirza's trail to discover her fate.
Love Hurts
When Wendy enters a public toilet heartbroken, unconsciously her tears awaken a darker force and it appears that she is not alone anymore.
Dexter's controlled life gets thrown into confusion when a girl appears on his work that looks exactly like his girlfriend Stella. At home his beloved Stella doesn't understand what's going on and she starts questioning their relationship. Dexter's life deteriorates furthermore: traffic bills keep coming in, he is banned from his trusted working place, Stella breaks up with him, and his boss sends him on an immediate leave. When Dexter has crashed several cars, he is arrested by the police and taken to hospital. There he is told that a stroke has caused him a brain damage in his right hemisphere. Consequently he doesn't see left anymore and his sense of reality has been affected: he sees the same people everywhere. Dexter has to learn to live in a world wherein people look alike.
In this dry short film, the Moroccan actor Nasrdin is asked for a role in a historical adaptation of a book about Islamic male harems. Nasrdin is reluctant to play the character, because it is a gay man. In the days preceding his decision, his girlfriend thinks he is taciturn and his Moroccan friends jeer him.
Rotterdam, I Love You
Several love stories set in one of the most interesting new cities in the world, Rotterdam.