Fachri Muhammad


The Ballads of Roy
After the death of his father, Roy moved to Serang with his mother. He is different from most boys and that makes him liked by lots of girls in his school.
Sebelum Dunia Terbalik: Tragedi Cinta Kemed Dan Eros
Kemed who was hurt by Eros three years earlier. A few days before the wedding between Eros and Joseph. Kemed who saw the invitation still think of Eros who will marry Joseph his friend, while in cibarengkong the youth bet who the future husband of Eros. With various efforts finally kemed managed to meet Eros. Finally because of his great love for Eros he decided to kidnap Eros.
Revan & Reina
Revan has been friends with Reina since childhood. Now, romance sparks between them. But, Revan knows that Reina is still thinking about another guy, Fabian. After three years, Fabian is back into Reinas life. Meanwhile, another girl, Dira, secretly loves Revan. What will happen to Revan, Reina, and Fabian?
Cahaya Cinta Pesantren
Shila (Yuki Kato), daughter of a fisherman around Lake Toba, wants to go to favorite high school in Medan. But alas, Mother wants her to enter into the pesantren (religious boarding school). Shila complains to Father. This time Father agrees with Mother. Shila disappoints and their relationship is strained. Pesantren’s life is full of activities and disciplined, making Shila difficult to adapt. She becomes homesick. Even so Shila still dreams of being a novelist. Together with his friends, Manda (Febby Blink), Ayesha (Via Blink) and Icut (Vebby Palwinta), she discovers the meaning of true friendship. They even have a "pot of tears", where they keep all of sad and happy tears. Shila’s life at pesantren is decorated with colorful typical problems of adolescence.
Ikhsan: Mama I Love You
Ikhsan had not pass to the next grade twice. Ikhsan’s friends told he was an idiot. This made Ikhsan often involved in a fight with them. Ikhsan was expelled from school due to underdevelopment. Ikhsan parents decided that Ikhsan need a boarding school. It turns out that school discipline could not made any progress. Ikhsan future increasingly uncertained until a new teacher, Aaron, realize that Ikhsan suffer from dyslexia. Aaron had suffered the same disease as a child. Aaron helped Ikhsan find his potential, and to rebuild his confidence by supporting him to follow a drawing competition.