Catherine Krassovsky


Eccentricities of a Blonde-Haired Girl
Macário spends an entire train journey to the Algarve talking to a woman he does not know about the trials and tribulations of his love life: straight after starting his first job as a book keeper at his Uncle Francisco's shop in Lisbon he falls madly in love with a young blonde, who lives across the road. No sooner does he meet her than he straightaway wants to marry her. His uncle, totally opposed to the match, fires him and kicks him out of the house. Macário departs for Cape Verde where he makes his fortune. When he finally wins his uncle’s approval to marry his beloved, he discovers the “singularity” of his fiancée’s character.
I Did Not Die
Alix is a woman of 27 looking for the only thing she is incapable of: love.
Belle Toujours
First Assistant Editor
38 years after the events in the Luis Buñuel classic Belle du jour, Henri Husson thinks he sees Séverine one night at a concert. He follows her and makes her face her past and then takes a slow revenge on her.
The Uncertainty Principle
Having lost her place among the social elite, a widow remarries and starts a family.
Blind Man's Bluff
Assistant Editor
A blind beggar is robbed of his chest of money. The theft leads to a dramatic situation in the street where he begs every day.