Chung Hyeri


Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum
The crew of a horror web series travels to an abandoned asylum for a live broadcast, but they encounter much more than expected as they move deeper inside the nightmarish old building.
Deferral Theatre
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Deferral Theatre (유예극장) is part of the Yeosung Gukgeuk Project (여성국극 프로젝트2008-present), through which siren eun young jung reanimates a forgotten genre of all-female Korean opera from the 1940s to 1960s. By focusing on the construction and performance of masculinity in yeosung gukgeuk, siren excavates histories of non-normative gender identities, intimacies, and sexualities in Korea. Deferral Theatre engages in the works and life stories of three contemporary artists: Nam Eun-jin (a male-role yeosung gukgeuk actor), Minhee Park (a traditional gagok performer) and drag king Azangman, provoking questions around the patriarchal invention of a “tradition” and gender norms.