Doncho Todorov


A Ray of Sunshine
Sashko and Tanya are two lovers who want to go on a holiday at the seaside. In order to earn money, Sasho starts working in a brigade digging a well in the yard of Chief Krumov's villa. The workers accidentally discover the remains of human skeletons, a tin ring and several buttons, most likely belonging to participants in the September Uprising of 1923. To avoid complications, everyone decides to keep quiet. However, Sashko decides to break his silence and tell the truth, for which he pays with his life.
Любовь к трем апельсинам
On the Sidewalk
Executive Producer
The story of an indecisive young doctor.
Adventure at Midnight
Line Producer
Abundant supplies of imported vaccine prove ineffective against an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease epidemic in several population centers. Warehouse manager Rashkov has been found dead. Major Zahov has to investigate the case.
Екипажът на «Надежда»
Line Producer
The Traces Remain
This is a typical story from the 'cold war' era. A group of kids play on a quiet street in Sofia. From a nearby window falls a key. The helpful youngsters quickly return it to the owner, but in the haste switch the keys. The unintentional error disentangles a whole spy story. The young detectives doubt the good intentions of the man they tried to help. It turns out that the key is from a secret apartment where saboteurs are hiding. The secret network is exposed to the authorities and the kids feel like heroes.
Our Land
Line Producer
Captain Velkov was sent chief of a border post near the village of Novi Izvor, where he was a partisan. In Novi Izvor a celebration is being prepared to mark the switching on of the electricity. Saboteurs cut the cables, killed the watchman and set fire to the machinery on the farm.
Вечен календар
Line Producer