Marina Ritvall


Hair Designer
12 year old Tinja is desperate to please her mother, a woman obsessed with presenting the image of a perfect family. One night, Tinja finds a strange egg. What hatches is beyond belief.
Makeup Designer
12 year old Tinja is desperate to please her mother, a woman obsessed with presenting the image of a perfect family. One night, Tinja finds a strange egg. What hatches is beyond belief.
I'll Be Home for Christmas
Makeup Designer
The story of two brothers and their musical family, forced to confront their secrets over an intense Christmas break.
The Spy
Key Makeup Artist
Sonja Wigert, Scandinavia's most acclaimed female movie star, enlists as a spy for Swedish intelligence but ends up becoming entangled with the German Reichskommissar Terboven.
Kingdom of Sweden
Makeup Designer
Mankind has always been on the move. Sometimes escaping from something but often also searching for something else.
Makeup Artist
Two sisters find their already strained relationship challenged as a mysterious new planet threatens to collide with Earth.