Aleksey Rybnikov

Aleksey Rybnikov

Birth : 1945-07-17, г. Москва


Aleksey Rybnikov


В Арктику
Original Music Composer
The documentary film “To the Arctic,” filmed by director and ethnographer Leonid Kruglov, is dedicated to the discoveries and research of the largest icy desert in the world. For the first time, the film captures all the most remote and inaccessible Arctic archipelagos of the Russian high-latitude Arctic, which are scattered over an area of more than 10,000 km. Among them are Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya, Ushakov Island and the New Siberian Islands archipelago, Wrangel Island and the De Long archipelago, as well as many other hidden corners of the North.
Lord of the Wind
Original Music Composer
The film is inspired by the record-breaking solo trip around the globe in a hot-air balloon made by the world-famous Russian explorer Fedor Konyukhov in July of 2016. Throughout his remarkable life, Konyukhov has proven time and time again that willpower, perseverance and faith can help overcome fear and doubt, and lead a person to triumph.
The Priest
Father Alexander is trying to maintain peaceful life for his church amidst the Nazi occupation during WWII.
1612: Chronicles of the Dark Time
The czar of Russia has died and a power vacuum has developed. This period in the late 16th and early 17th century has been called "The Time of Troubles." There are many impostors who claim to the right to rule, but there's only one heir, the Czarina Kseniya Godunova. She has married a Polish military leader who wants to claim the Russian throne in her name so he can rule all of Russia. As the Poles move in on Moscow in an attempt to install the czarina on the throne, Andrei, a serf with a life-long infatuation of the czarina attempts to save her from her brutal Polish husband.
The war is over, but instead of happiness and joy Alexei Ivanov feels bitterness and fear. We have to go home, but do his children remember him, whom he left as kids?
Wolfhound of the Grey Dog Clan
He was doomed to die, but managed to survive, and now his mission is to revenge for the annihilation of his tribe. He is the great warrior who calls himself Volkodav, and is the last man from the tribe of Serie Psi (Grey Hounds). After escaping certain death, Volkodaw — accompanied by Neletuchaya Mysh — is on a mission to kill Ludoed who is responsible to what happened to Serie Psi.
Andersen. Life Without Love
Drama based on life and love of a famous Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen.
The Iris Effect
In Los Angeles, Dr. Sarah Hathaway hired private eyes trying to find her missing son, the painter Thomas, who ran away from their home ten years ago after a quarrel with her. She finds a clue in a catalog of a panting exhibition in San Petersburg and she decides to travel alone to Russia to search for Thomas. Once there, she is not able to locate him and she has a nervous breakdown, but with the support of Dr. Ivan and helped by a street boy, she discloses what happened with her son.
Карнавальная ночь 2, или 50 лет спустя
Продолжение "Карнавальной ночи" от Эльдара Рязанова. Место действия – тот же Дом Культуры, где праздновали новый год 50 лет назад. Людмила Гурченко снова споет "Пять минут", снова будет прочитана новогодняя лекция, снова год уходящий будет провожаться, а год наступающий – встречаться. Но новое время приводит с собой новых героев, так что все будет по-другому.
A Hare over the Abyss
Once upon a time, in the seventy-first year of the last century, the relived two bureaucrats in Moldova: the First Secretary and the Second Secretary of the Communist party. The Second Secretary was more important than the First Secretary, since he had befriended the Tsar of the whole Soviet Union - Leonid Brezhnev. The Moldovan Republic is preparing for a visit from the great Brezhnev when Lautar, a poor musician, finally gets up the nerve to ask the local gypsy Baron for his daughters hand in marriage. To everyone surprise, the baron gives the couple his blessing, but on one condition: that Lautar acquire Brezhnev's personal limousine as a gift for the bride, and that Brezhnev come to the wedding
Apocrypha: Music for Peter and Pavel
The film is dedicated to the little-known period of life of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. He appears before us not as a canonical gray-haired genius, recognized and crowned with world fame, but as a young, insecure man who comes to visit his sister for several summer days. Relatives and friends, “little people”, give the great artist love, care and spiritual support, helping him to find himself, to overcome “torture by the sounding world”. For them, as well as for the authors of the film, Tchaikovsky is an angel thrown to the ground, reminiscent of the ultimate mission of man ...
Paris love Kostya Gumankova
20 years ago young soviet programmer has fallen in love with love mate of his boss during joint tourist trip to Paris. Nowadays he comes back to Paris being a thriving business man.
One Life
A story about Marina and her problematic life after divorce.
The Star
In the summer of 1944, the Nazi Armies prepare a massive Tank Division named 'Viking" for the offensive on occupied Russian land. The Russian Army's special group of seven snipers named "Zvezda" is sent for a reconnaissance operation behind the enemy lines in the back of the Nazi Tank Division. Two previous Russian groups never came back. The seven Russians know that they are going to an almost certain Death for the sake of Victory.
Original Music Composer
In one of the American States committed a major Bank robbery, which killed two guards. Jim Conley, a Bank employee, is charged with the murder. With irrefutable evidence, attorney General Ted Talbot is seeking a death sentence for Conley. A day later, one of the witnesses confesses to the murder, a little later they find his corpse. Bolbat's career comes to an end. His friend and assistant, Leo Harman, knowing that Talbot cleverly framed, begins a full investigation into unthinkable intrigue.
Tsar Ivan the Terrible
Adaptation of 'Prince Serebrenni' by A. K. Tolstoy.
Assuage My Sorrows
After his marriage with Lyuba (Yelena Safonova) breaks down, Boris (Sergei Koltakov) begins to search for an apartment of his own. He locates an apartment for couples which is being inhabited by a lone old lady (Varvara Soshalskaya) who is supposed to move in with her sister (Yevdokiya Urusova). The old lady doesn't want to go, and tries to stave off the inevitable by taking in a young woman Elya (Svetlana Voronina) as a flat-mate.
A series of documentaries exploring life in the Soviet Union during the glasnost era of the late 1980s.
Race of the Century
Original Music Composer
Russian film transplanting the tragic tale of Donald Crowhurst into then-contemporary anti-capitalist thought.
Primary Russia
The film takes place in pre-Christian Russia, when Ratibor united the East Slavs into one army against the nomadic Khazars.
Anna Firling's Roads
A tory based on classical theatre play "Mother Courage and Her Children" by Bertolt Brecht.
Original Music Composer
In the middle of the 17th century, a Cossack named Almaz Bitiy saves an alien from a certain death. In gratitude, he gives the Earthman an elixir of youth.
Prohindiada or running on the spot
Comedy of manners with elements of grotesque. The hero of the tape - an employee of a solid research Institute San Sanych lubomudrov - an extraordinary personality. Charming trickster and subtle psychologist, he is fluent in the art of communicating with the "right" people.
Look back!
Having buried her husband, the woman is now left alone with her teenage son. He, nevertheless, remembers all the harm she's done to him and is now taking revenge on her and everyone around...
Юнона и Авось
Stories... Stories... Stories from the Old Arbat
Based on a play of the same name by Aleksei Arbuzov.
Hands Up!
A funny tale about a group of children fighting the evil sorcerer.
Полет с космонавтом
Плутни Скапена
Nochnoye Proishestviye
Original Music Composer
В одном из московских переулков милиция обнаружила пострадавшую женщину с травмой головы. Галина Укладова, приехавшая из Магадана, утверждает, что на неё совершил разбойное нападение таксист и отнял у неё крупную сумму денег и документы. Таксиста Воронова, который уже отбывал срок за хулиганство, удалось задержать. Укладова на очной ставке опознаёт в нём нападавшего. Всё свидетельствует о вине Воронова. Однако опытный следователь Митин чувствует, что за рутинным бытовым преступлением кроется нечто большее.
Other People's Company
Zhenya is finally accepted into the ranks of a local cool group of teenagers, which he has long dreamed of getting into. Soon, he goes fishing with them and decides to hide the inflatable boat as a joke. Angry guys beat an innocent boy, after which Zhenya understands that it is better to refuse such a friendship…
The Way to The Gold Medals
About Soviet and Japanese volley-ball players who are both rivals and friends. The events cover the period from the 1976 Montreal Olympics to the eve of XXII Olympics in Moscow.
The Very Same Munchhausen
Original Music Composer
A philosophical and poetic portrait of the famous (or maybe infamous?) Baron Munchhausen. His crazy, yet very merriment, stories, views and behavior is what sets him apart from others. He becomes alienated from the society that failed to grasp his brilliance. In fact, his brilliance is what underlines the faults with the society itself. It's a beautiful yet tragic story that is filled with dense and intellectual dialogue.
Moomintroll and the Comet: The Way Home
Stop motion animation. Part 3 in a series. A comet is on a collision course with Earth. The oceans have dried up, and Moomintroll and friends need to make their way through raging sandstorms to get home to their parents.
Moomintroll and the Comet
Stop-motion animation. A comet is hurtling towards Earth. Moomintroll and friends travel to a mountaintop observatory to investigate.
Moomintroll and the others
Student Rodik Samarkin, grandson of the famous scientist-archaeologist, goes with friends to Kozary in search of ancient scythian graves. Not believing in the effectiveness of the expedition, the guys come back, leaving Rodik alone…
The Holiday of Disobedience
About that, how parents abandoned the disobedient children and returned only then, when they reformed.
Black Chicken
Kind boy Alyosha saves a black hen from a bird of prey. The black chicken takes on a human form and takes Alyosha to a magical underground kingdom.
Волк и семеро козлят на новый лад
Anansi Spider and the Magic Wand
Short film by Ideya Garanina
Treasure Island
Based upon the story by R. L. Stevenson, the film shows Orson Welles as Long John Silver, pirate chief, who would like to find hidden treasure.
Three Days of Viktor Chernyshyov
Mid 20th century. Industry is developing rapidly and the need for workers in factories is growing. After graduating from the tenth year, Viktor Chernyshyov, now a city dweller, did not bother to continue his education and went to the plant as a turner. He considered it quite normal that the guys enthusiastically listened to the stories of his peer Kolya, a lounger who boasted of victories over women, and participated in his dubious amusements. Only one of them, Pyotr — a real worker, a doctor, tried to reason with Kolya and the others.
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