The animated film is based on a poem by the Ossetian poet Kosta Khetagurova. In a joking form, it tells how the hero of the film outwitted his very bad habit and life in the village improved.
A person is allowed a big dream while he is small, then this right disappears somewhere. You need to do serious, reasonable, mundane things. But even an adult without a big dream will not be able to be happy. The film is about how a small child returned his mother's dream.
The heroine of the film is jogging, preparing for the marathon, but this is not at all a reason to remain indifferent to people! A funny story about the cycle of good that took place in a city park.
One day in the life of a modern six-year-old girl, painted by the clock. Ballet, singing, English, and finally a swimming pool. But for a child, all this "development stuff" pales before the natural process of tooth loss!
This is a film about two women. Both have lost their loved ones. One in the Great Patriotic War, the other in the Afghan War. Each fate released only a few days of happiness. But both carried their love and loyalty through life. Together with them, we reread letters from the front and relive the happiness of love and the bitterness of loss.