Måns Westfelt

Måns Westfelt

Birth : 1928-07-16, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden


Måns Westfelt


Roses, Kisses and Death
The country estate of Rödbergshyttan is surrounded by heavily fragrant roses in every color. There lives the beautiful Gabriella, who Christer loves, and an invitation to their engagement party is the reason for Puck and Einar to travel there. But the rose-scented idyll soon turn into a stifling background when Puck finds Gabriella's grandfather poisoned in his bed. Little by little we learn that the relations between the people living at the estate is everything but uncomplicated, and that there is a sexual frustration behind every well polished marriage. The question is to what extent beautiful Gabriella is involved in the intrigues and how much of a coincidence it is that her grandfather is killed just when Christer is in the house.
After getting fired from his current job as a pilot and dumped by his current wife, he seeks to find a new job. Out of desperation on the job market he disguises himself as a woman in order to get a job from Silver, a company seeking a female pilot. The lines between his female and male life as well as his personal and love life starts to become a blur which he eventually cannot handle.
The Magnetist’s Fifth Winter
Mr. Krüger
A mysterious stranger, Meisner, arrives in a northern Swedish town in 1820, calling himself a magnetist - an amalgam of hypnotist and healer - and claiming he can cure diseases un-treatable by doctors. Ignoring the objections of his colleagues, Dr. Selander allows Meisner to cure his blind daughter, Maria, who not only regains her sight, but also falls in love with the charismatic magnetist. Dark secrets and repressed memories start to emerge, amidst the love between father and daughter, man and woman.
The Glass-Blower's Children
The Coachman
Based on the novel by Maria Gripe, this is the story of two children, Klas and Klara, growing up in the poor Swedish countryside of the mid-19th century. Their father Albert is a glass-blower, famous for his beautiful vases, but still unable to earn enough money for his wife Sofia and the children. At a spring fair a distinguished gentleman arrives and buys all of Albert's glassware. After this nothing will be the same again. Klas and Klara are kidnapped and taken to a strange castle...
The Tenderness
Two days in young Rasmus life. Day one he tells his parents that he has AIDS. Day two when he dies, in the wake of the disease.
Hassel 05 - Terrorns Finger
Hugo von Gers
The kidnapping of a DA's wife, the murder of several minor criminals and the police finding a large stash of weapons is all in a day's work for criminal detective Roland Hassel.
Idag Röd
Harry Friberg photographs a mysterious lightning in the water outside the Blockhusudden. The light turns out to flow over a murder.
A Matter of Life and Death
"Life and Death" - A female reporter intended to go on a reporting trip about childbirth to Japan, declines the offer. Instead, she visits a maternity hospital in Sweden. She meets a doctor, who she has been in love for 15 years.
The Rooster
In 1944, Cederqvist comes to a small cloth factory to see how the all-women employees can work more efficiently. At the beginning he is greeted with suspicion and his efforts at courting the young ladies are futile. But as soon as he buys himself a car it becomes much easier, especially since he has the power to relocate people to an easier line of work. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Det går an
An officer and a woman meet and fall in love during a boat journey but they aren't sure what to do about these feelings.
Adam in Sweden
Rikard Adamsson, a young man dreaming of becoming a writer, lives a wild and dissolute bohemian life. A ferocious fighter with a heart of gold and a great taste for women. In the military service he gets in trouble, runs away, returns and is sentenced to prison. Inside he finishes his first novel. However, no publisher is interested.