A small port town in the Japanese countryside: Saori, a hairdresser, dreams of big city life in Tokyo. Yokochin, a reluctant rapper, searches for his voice. Kyoko, a femme fatale DJ, is obsessed with her 60’s radio show. One fateful night will change their lives.
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Ryota Nonomiya is a successful businessman driven by money. He learns that his biological son was switched with another child after birth. He must make a life-changing decision and choose his true son or the boy he raised as his own.
A child suddenly disappears in a small village and his mother desperately searches for clues.
Fuyuhana, is bullied child at school, because she was not able to speak until recently. This was due to the accidental death of one of her classmates, a few years ago. And now she is haunted by the secrets of the old school.