Hitomi Kitamura

Hitomi Kitamura


Hitomi Kitamura


Step Up Love Story: Love Again
A legendary love comedy manga that boasts tremendous popularity. Since it began being serialized in 1997, it has continued to attract many male fans and is still popular without fading. As the author's message "This is not just H manga", by not only describing sex simply, by arranging characters with various values, It is often composed of quotations such as male/female psychology and romance/marriage/sex/sex/sex differences between men and women, quotations, and personal opinions of authors. It is published in 12 countries around the world, including Koreans, Taiwan, the United States, and France.
Kekko Kamen Forever
Takahashi Mayumi
Seventh release in the popular series featuring live action versions of the hit erotic heroine series from Go Nagai.
Kekko Kamen Premium
Takahashi Mayumi
Sixth release from the hit erotic sci-fi/live action series based on the comic by Go Nagai and starring Maria Ozawa! Get ready for plenty of silly gags and tons of eros.
Kekko Kamen Royale
Takahashi Mayumi
Popular half-Japanese idol Maria Ozawa stars in this straight-to-video live-action adaptation of Go Nagai's erotic action series. As a new teacher is sent to expose the truth of the Kekko Kamen, then that teacher must be inspected herself. Watch as Ozawa takes on popular idol Hitomi Kitamrua as well!