Nicole Weegmann

Birth : 1966-01-01, Karlsruhe, Germany


Biopic about Alice Schwarzer.
Das Leben Danach
Part of Us
From her childhood, Nadia felt responsible for her mentally disturbed and recently homeless mother, Irene. For a while Nadia had cut off all contact with Irene and tried to live her life, until Irene suddenly appears drunk at the wedding of her son, Mickey. Nadia sinks back into this quagmire of love and hate, responsibility, guilt and shame. She gathers her strength to find a home for her mother while at the same time she hides from her partner, Ian, the fact that the drunk woman at her brother's wedding was her mother. But no one can oppress Irene, let alone her daughter.
Es ist alles in Ordnung
36-year-old Birgit desires nothing more than an intact family. Since she lives with her husband Andreas, the common child Philip and Sarah, her daughter from a previous, failed relationship in solid economic conditions in a terraced house, she feels very close to her ideal. Through Sarah's puberty, the family is put to the test. But Birgit believes that luckily only the formal confirmation of the adoption of Sarah by Andreas is missing.
Solange du schliefst
The world of Teresa Brandt ( Katharina Böhm ) turns upside down when her husband, Hans ( Götz Schubert ), unexpectedly falls into a coma. A woman is faced with a strenuous task - she has to take care of the entire economy, home and child herself. He does not give up hope that his beloved will recover and tries to cope with the task. The situation becomes even more complicated when the local engineer Sören Gawron ( Mark Waschke ) appears on the farm . The couple develops a thread of sympathy with each other. Their relationship grows stronger with each passing day.
Schenk mir dein Herz
After a heart attack, a singer recovers in a sanatorium.
Ihr könnt euch niemals sicher sein
Der 17-Jährige Gymnasiast Oliver Rother bringt seine Gedanken, Gefühle und Erlebnisse gern in Hip-Hop-Texten zum Ausdruck. Als ihm seine Lehrerin Selma Vollrath eine Sechs für eine Deutscharbeit über "Die Leiden des jungen Werther" gibt, die er im Stil eines Rappers getextet hat, verlässt er enttäuscht und wutentbrannt die Klasse. Dabei verliert er einen Zettel, auf dem er in einem drastischen Song ankündigt, Frau Vollrath töten zu wollen. Aus Angst, einen potenziellen Amokläufer im Haus zu haben, informiert die Schulleitung die Polizei. Als diese bei der Hausdurchsuchung auf Olivers Computer gewalttätige Videos findet und sich der Jugendliche nicht eindeutig von seinen Sprüchen distanziert, nimmt ein ungeahntes Drama seinen Lauf.