Igor Kotsarev


Кавказский тверк
Production Design
Feature film by Amet Magomedov.
Dancing on Top
Production Design
Adventures of the Dagestan hip-hopper Tofig.
Kalashnikov AK-47
Assistant Art Director
Tank commander Kalashnikov is severely injured in battle in 1941. The accident leaves him incapacitated and unable to return to the front line. While recovering in the hospital he begins creating the initial sketches of what will become one of the world’s most legendary weapons. A self-taught inventor, Mikhail Kalashnikov, is only 29 when he develops the now iconic assault riffle — the AK-47.
Production Design
The story of the daring romance Solovyov Sevastyanov G., ctupivshem by the call of blood on the path of the valiant Russian robbery. And while the security forces led by a secret agent trying to close H7 gang Nightingale the Robber, he, with his drive and mischief, restores fairness in my native land. But sooner or later every "Tale" comes to an end ...
Production Design
A group of Russian noblemen want to maintain the monarchy and plan to kill Rasputin.
Production Design
In present day Moscow three childhood friends in their forties - former school band players - live their everyday lives of a police officer, a taxi driver and a surgeon. They have lost track of each other. Three stories of betrayal, love and ageing are told in parallel. In fact, unknown to our heroes, their paths cross and their lives become connected. But they are not aware of it even when they reunite for a breaking performance at their graduation anniversary.
Production Design
The Three and the Snowflake
Production Design
Three friends are traveling to Amsterdam where they suddenly meet Katya - a young girl who soon become very important for the two of them.
Travelling with Pets
Art Direction
Plucked from an orphanage as a literal love slave, the now adult Natalija (a luminous Kseniya Kutepova) serves her ape-like husband by tending his prized cow—whose milk they sell to customers on passing trains. When hubby suddenly drops dead, however, Natalija’s narrow life of cows and rails finally starts opening up. Dumping his body at the local hospital, dropping by church to say a few prayers and trading in the cow for a pet goat, she slowly eliminates all trace of his former hold on her, searching out a new life in the freedom that emerges.
The Island
Production Design
Somewhere in Northern Russia in a small Russian Orthodox monastery lives an unusual man whose bizarre conduct confuses his fellow monks, while others who visit the island believe that the man has the power to heal, exorcise demons and foretell the future.
Piter FM
Art Direction
Masha, who works for a radio station, and Maxim, a street sweeper with an architectural degree, cross paths with each other when they are at an indecisive point in their lives.