Hiroyuki Kawai

Birth : , Kanagawa, Japan


Kyō Kara Ore Wa!! Guts Daze 17 Sai
Today, It's My Turn!! is a shonen manga by Hiroyuki Nishimori. Toei Video released a series of V-Cinema live-action series based on this, and Guts Daze 17 Sai was released in 1997. Two boys, Takashi Mitsuhashi and Shinji Itō meet each other at a salon. It turns out both boys are transferring to a new school and decide to take the opportunity to reinvent themselves. No longer will they be run of the mill high school students, they will become the biggest delinquents Japan has ever seen!
Last Bronx ~Tokyo Bangaichi~
Yusaku Kudo
The leader of Soul Crew, the toughest gang in Tokyo, was viciously killed. Shortly after that an anonymous challenge appeared in graffiti scrawls all over the city "inviting" all of the city's gang leaders to a fighting tournament that will settle which group has the power to rule Tokyo. Everyone knew refusing to participate was not an option.