Mary Coughlan

Mary Coughlan

Birth : 1956-05-05, Galway, Ireland


Mary Coughlan


This is an average story of a very average woman. Of Spud, carer for her father, who cooks, cleans and serves badly and half-heartedly. A woman who is never seen or thanked. Ignored. A woman who, in spite of what society tells her, does not feel bad about herself. Who, despite not being young, or a mother, or, worst of all, beautiful, is actually quite happy in herself, if not her life. Then, one day, everything changes, and Siobhan may have to come out of the shadows and be seen.
The Miracle
Mrs. Stonewall, Destry Rides Again
Two teenagers Jimmy and Rose spend their vacation at the small Irish sea-resort Bray. Out of boredom they observe other people and imagine wild stories about them. One day they observe the blonde Renee, and Jimmy is immediately fascinated by her and even follows her home. She, too, seems to like him, but for a mysterious reason keeps him at a distance.
High Spirits
When Peter Plunkett's Irish castle turned hotel is about to be repossesed, he decides to spice up the attraction a bit for the 'Yanks' by having his staff pretend to haunt the castle. The trouble begins when a busload of American tourists arrive - along with some real ghosts.