Mariya Wiemken


Parents Visit Me in Sri-Lanka
Downshifter Alex lives in Sri Lanka as a white king. Parents' arrival coincides with mystical appearance of the local deity, Shamka, in the village. Alex's peaceful life ends at this point.
Friday night is almost like a shortened New year's night. One can expect every kind of surprises on that night. Friday night has its special magic.
Eternal Cold
A girl left a young handsome hockey player on the eve of the decisive match. Moreover, she did not go to anyone, but to a museum worker. To support a friend, five hockey players and a goalkeeper go to the museum to explain to the art critic that he did wrong and the woman must be returned. How could the athletes know that the museum is not just a place where statues stand and pictures are hung on the walls. That in giant vaults-storerooms, ancient as the world creatures, which our ancestors described in myths and legends, rest in frozen form. And they are supervised in the image of quiet museum workers by the same immortal humanoid entities…
Moskovskaya Gorka
Rare parents, only very responsible and loving, walk in the winter with their children, many are happy to entrust these cares to nannies, grandmothers and older children. But Olga and Igor are not like that. They are honestly engaged with children on the slide, play, freeze, but fulfill their duty. Although, to be honest, they are a little bored. And they willy-nilly begin to look at each other, gradually drawing in their heads each their own image of the other. They already really want to start communicating, but upbringing, stereotypes and a story invented by everyone about a vis-a-vis prevents them from taking the first step. It already saddens them, because they really liked each other. Suddenly, children loudly reveal family secrets. It turns out that Igor is not a father, but a brother, and Olga is not a mother, but a grandmother in general. And both of them are free.