Title Designer
When aspiring model Jesse moves to Los Angeles, her youth and vitality are devoured by a group of beauty-obsessed women who will take any means necessary to get what she has.
The Actor was inspired by the late 2000s boom of US screen-acting and method-acting seminars, which Robbie Williams alludes to in the lyrics to the eponymous track. Remember... it's not acting it's reacting!
The Actor was inspired by the late 2000s boom of US screen-acting and method-acting seminars, which Robbie Williams alludes to in the lyrics to the eponymous track. Remember... it's not acting it's reacting!
Tuning into some foreign channels you never know what you'll find. On one such show the presenter introduces a live magic trick where a man is going to be cut in half by a woman. Not only that though, he will be cut with a chainsaw. Not only that though, she will be wearing a blindfold while performing the trick. However it is not quite as professional as it seems.
Tuning into some foreign channels you never know what you'll find. On one such show the presenter introduces a live magic trick where a man is going to be cut in half by a woman. Not only that though, he will be cut with a chainsaw. Not only that though, she will be wearing a blindfold while performing the trick. However it is not quite as professional as it seems.