In this heartwarming holiday musical, the Smith family grapples with life changes and new love in a bustling St. Louis on the brink of the 1904 World’s Fair. This special digital adaption from Charlotte Moore (Anna Smith in the original Broadway cast) will include favorite tunes, including “The Trolley Song,” “The Boy Next Door,” and “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,” along with the romantic suitors, comedic misunderstandings, and jovial pranks that make this classic musical a holiday treat for families of all ages, no matter where you’re celebrating this year. This new digital production, filmed and edited remotely amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, is an abridged version of the Broadway musical Meet Me in St. Louis (1989), based on the 1944 film of the same name starring Judy Garland. Irish Repertory Theatre last presented Meet Me in St. Louis in 2007.
Owen Gibson
The mobster husbands of three 1978 Hell's Kitchen housewives are sent to prison by the FBI. Left with little but a sharp ax to grind, the ladies take the Irish mafia's matters into their own hands — proving unexpectedly adept at everything from running the rackets to taking out the competition… literally.
Father Canlon (as Ciaran O'Reilly)
Frankie McGuire, one of the IRA's deadliest assassins, draws an American family into the crossfire of terrorism. But when he is sent to the U.S. to buy weapons, Frankie is housed with the family of Tom O'Meara, a New York cop who knows nothing about Frankie's real identity. Their surprising friendship, and Tom's growing suspicions, forces Frankie to choose between the promise of peace or a lifetime of murder.