Lorna Boschman

Lorna Boschman

Birth : , Carrot River, Saskatchewan, Canada


Lorna Boschman is a Canadian queer media artist, film maker, curator, educator, editor, and camera operator working with themes such as sexual identity, body image, social justice, (dis)ability, cancer, abuse, health, and self-advocacy.


Lorna Boschman


Before the New Millennium
Based on performances by the notorious lesbian art collective Kiss & Tell, this video captures digitally processed moments hidden for over a decade, recalling historic queer and art-world attitudes towards sexuality and censorship of the 1990’s. The provocative styles of Persimmon Blackbridge, Lizard Jones and Susan Stewart come together in simple lust stories and in letters to their mothers.
Aren't You Lucky to Have Brought Your Own Chair
Online Editor
After coming up against homophobia from straight service providers, Queer Gimp Girl (Marg Scott) seeks out other disabled queers and asks about their experiences of disabled awareness and access in the queer communities.
Green Dream
In Green Dream, Josephine Massarella has infused her vibrant, impressionistic images of nature with the spirit of the goddess Artemis. Evocative and abstract, Green Dream relies on a wide range of experimental techniques, including pixilation, optical printing, and manipulated motion to achieve a dreamlike state where the relevance of beauty and the irrelevance of use can be contemplated. Reminiscent of the work of French experimental filmmaker Rose Lawder, Green Dream confronts modern overdevelopment with overpowering life forces.
Big Fat Slenderella
Big Fat Slenderella looks at dieting from the fat person's point of view. In this work, excerpts from documentary interviews with fat people are juxtaposed with fat animals in captivity by the inventive use of wipe effects. Commercials for products like The Poodle Diet Recipe Collection satirize the mainstream obsession with dieting and their fear of gaining weight. Despite the conventional wisdom dished out by medical practitioners, studies have shown that dieting simply does not work for 95% of the population. Why are we still encouraged to diet? Could it be profits and the fact that if someone is dieting, that's all they have energy for? The fat experts in Slenderella are all fat themselves, and tell stories of the many diets and medically administered amphetamine "cures" they have tried over the years.
Drawing the Line
A tape about the photo exhibition of the same name created by Kiss & Tell, a group of lesbian artists (Persimmon Blackbridge, Lizard Jones, Susan Stewart). Spectators/participants/voyeurs were invited to write comments on the walls about images depicting a range of sexual practices between women. The soundtrack is equal part girls-making out and the voices of the women who produced and/or experienced the show. Chock full of comments on the most debated aspects of erotica and porn, Drawing the Line steps into the fray as a solid documentation of a pulse-taking art event.
True Inversions
True Inversions creates its own dialectic on lesbian erotica while focusing on the differences between passions performed on and off camera, legal, social and personal forms of censorship, the motion of emotion and the eroticization of safe sex.
Butch/Femme In Paradise
Lorna Boschman’s Butch/Femme In Paradise follows the moves of a butch as she chases an elusive femme around the beautiful coast of British Columbia. Mixing fast-paced editing with slow and sensual long shots, the film walks to the beat of its own drum.