Gianfranco Turino


L'eredità dello zio buonanima
Camera Operator
When a rich uncle dies, giving him a great inheritance, Franco will clash with other grandchildren and lawyers.
Li chiamavano i tre moschettieri... invece erano quattro
Camera Operator
Yet another adventure of the famous musketeers engaged as usual to help the needy. Cardinal Richelieu is always hindering their task.
Battle of the Amazons
Camera Operator
A tribe of vicious female warriors terrorizes the countryside, and especially the males, until one day the men and some local villagers decide to fight back.
Tears of love
Camera Operator
An English singer thinks his Italian wife has cheated on him and goes back to England. He is then involved in drug trafficking and ends up in jail. Luckily enough after a while the real culprit is revealed and he can go back to Italy and his wife.
Pensiero d'amore
Camera Operator