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The story follows three girls — Kaede Makidera, Kane Himuro, and Yukika Saegusa — at Homurahara Academy, but has nothing to do with the efforts to restore the Human Order.
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The earth shook. The sea roared. And then… There is a small house solitary standing by the seaside. A young girl has been living there alone since that fateful day. Mail is no longer delivered, but even this morning, she’s hanging out the laundry as usual. She’s unaware that all around her, the clothes pegs are quarreling, the pillow argues with the umbrella about the outside world, and the new toothbrush is unsuccessfully trying to charm the grumpy older ones. Do objects exist to be used until they are consumed or broken? Are they afraid of being thrown away once their life cycle is complete? A delicate story of hope in a cruel and gentle world after an unnamed disaster.
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On a warm summer day, a boy heard the sound of bells ringing, as if in celebration, in the mountain near his home. Several years later in that same mountain, the mushishi Ginko stumbles upon a young girl in a mountain with branches and leaves growing out of her body. He later realises that she is the lord of that mountain but finds it strange that a human like her was chosen as the lord. He meets her older brother who has continued to search for her ever since she disappeared while accompanying him on a stormy day. The story is about Ginko’s peculiar journey amidst the occult to unravel the mystery behind the enigmatic girl called Kaya and the mountain that has become her home.
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The Seraphim, a mystical spirit race who act as a stabilizing force in the land, blessed a human boy known as Sorey with powers. Sorey's encounter with Alisha and Lunarre leads him to leave on a journey to becoming the Shepherd and saving the world.
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Every person has his or her own little world. Among the 34 bustling students of classroom 2-1, there are many such worlds. Akio Honjou's world—my world—is filled with passionate talk about last night's anime with Yoshida, Watanabe, and other friends. It's an fun, comfortable place... But, I always wonder. Wonder about the world of Juri Makina, smiling and surrounded by gorgeous friends on the other side of the classroom. One day, I enter her world. But it's not as simple as it sounds.
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Spin-off of the School Days game by 0verflow that shows Kokoro Katsura as a mahou shoujo out to save the world.