Yuri Pugach


Dogs' Feast
Production Design
On a holiday eve, everyone, especially one tired and chilly, does so need at least one living soul at one's side: it is bad to meet a holiday alone with oneself. Thus, on a New Year's Eve, the main characters meet, — a meeting of two solitudes. Chance brought two persons of disorderly lives together in a railway terminal.... kindling the hope for a normal, pure human life, the kind others have...
My Friend Ivan Lapshin
Production Design
Russian provincial town in the middle of the 1930s Stalin's Great Purge. Ivan Lapshin, the head of the local police, does what he has to do. And he does it well.
Production Design
Последний побег
Production Design
Married for the First Time
Production Design
According to the story of the same name by Pavel Nilin. At 20, Tonya gave birth to a daughter — alone, without a husband. At 30 — personal happiness became an unattainable dream. She devoted herself to her beloved daughter. But at the age of 40, life seemed to make a circle and return to its starting point. There is nothing left to lose — which means you can take a chance, start all over again. Mom is married for the first time, and it’s hard for a selfish daughter to put up with this...
Slomannaya Podkova
Production Designer
По мотивам повести Жюля Верна "Драма в Лифляндии". Французский аэронавт Жюль Ардан, путешествуя на воздушном шаре, случайно оказывается в Ревеле. Здесь он знакомится с доктором Петерсоном и его дочерью Лейдой. За женихом Лейды охотятся жандармы. В городе происходит убийство сына банкира. Подозрение падает на Петерсона. За расследование преступления берется Жюль Ардан.
Drama from the Old Life
Production Design
A love story between a barber and a serf actress who find themselves in an environment that combines savagery with a veneer of enlightenment. Based on Nikolai Leskov's short story "The Toupee Artist".