Elo Romančík

Elo Romančík

Birth : 1920-12-17, Ružomberok, Československo

Death : 2012-10-09


Elo Romančík


Tri poviedky so Zdenou Gruberovou
Pavilón číslo 6
Obrana Sokratova
Vianoce Adama Boronču
Počúvaj tú melódiu
Profesor na bielom koni
prof. Ettinghausen
Heloisa a Abelard
The Assistant
Štefan Riečan
A story of a family that after WWII moved to the south of Slovakia and acquired a prosperous butcher business left behind by a Hungarian emigrant. From the previous owner, the family also inherited a self-assured, greedy assistant who does not like to observe any firm moral principles. He assists the family in gaining wealth but in the long run, he causes the family's moral dissolution. In his most successful feature film, director Zoro Záhon combined a complex drama with excellent acting performances, especially that of Hungarian actor Gábor Koncz in the lead role.
Otvorený účet
Podobizeň prvej lásky
Patálie s kamerou
Hra bez lásky
Na skle maľované
Perhaps the most successful Slovak musical.
The Lawyer
Presiding Judge (voice)
The story of a young lawyer who finds herself in a difficult situation when she encounters troubles in her burgeoning career and complications in private her life.
Ežo Vlkolinský
Biele vrany
Comrade Cone
baca Hronec
A story about three young boys who are best friends and together are trying to fight a poacher in the forest close to their village.
Červený muškát
Škola klebiet
Život na úteku
Štyria grobiani
Tetované časom
Letec nad planétou
Hadí princ
Pred západom slnka
A ruthless inquisitor spins the superstitions of local peasants into religious heresy, finding cause to accuse dozens of innocent men and women of witchcraft. The inquisitor targets nobles and merchants, whose property and goods are then confiscated. After suffering an array of medieval tortures, most of the accused confess—only to be burned alive at the stake as helpless villagers watch. With its bold and striking cinematography, the film captures scenes of both daring nudity and brutal torture.
Stopy na Sitne
Dolník (voice)
Volanie démonov
The Sheriff Behind Bars
Investigator (voice)
A dramatic story from the setting of a youth de tention center. Youngster Jakub, out of delusory solidarity, gets convicted of theft and goes to prison in place ofthe "sheriff" of his gang. He naively hopes that the sheriff will appreciate his gesture and leaves the stolen goods in a safe hideaway to later divide them fairly among the gang members. This conviction gives Jakub the strength to endure the unbearable conditions in the center. But reality is often much harsher than naive ideals and hollow relations in the gang.
Pred súdom
Kráska a výlet
Martin Bečela
Polnočná omša
Dr. Harman
Pokorené rieky
Králíci ve vysoké trávě
Na pochode sa vždy nespieva
Tři tuny prachu
Vojtěch Spára
Dom na rázcestí
dr. Juraj Belan
Kapitán Dabač
komisár Garaj
Do videnia, Lucienne!
Previerka lásky
The first Slovakian colour film. A celebration of traditional Slovakian folklore and creativity expressed through a story of young love .
Pole neorané
The Struggle Will End Tomorrow
The story of the great strike of the workers building the Cervena Skala - Mergecany railway line