Oscar Rodriguez


Terror in the Wax Museum
Costume Design
Terrifying wax figures of renowned personalities, such as Attila the Hun and Jack the Ripper, surround the sale of a London museum.
Maybe I'll Come Home in the Spring
Dennie has returned from a year among the hippies to her superficial, image-conscious suburban family. She must face their disapproval of her actions. They refuse to even try to understand. She must also deal with an ex-lover, and a beloved young sister who is following in her footsteps, wanting the idealistic hippie life but making some rash decisions in the process.
The War Wagon
Costume Design
An ex-con seeks revenge on the man who put him in prison by planning a robbery of the latter's stagecoach, which is transporting gold. He enlists the help of a partner, who could be working for his nemesis.
Wild Harvest
Costume Design
Female migrant workers eat dirt at the hands of a sadistic ranch foreman (Dean Fredericks of The Phantom Planet) during grape harvesting season in the San Joaquin Valley.
How to Make a Monster
Wardrobe Designer
When master monster make-up man Pete Dumond is fired by the new bosses of American International studios, he uses his creations to exact revenge.
The Ride Back
Costume Design
A troubled sheriff, a failure at everything in his life, tries to redeem himself by extraditing a popular gunfighter from Mexico to stand trial for murder.
The King and Four Queens
Wardrobe Designer
Opportunistic con man Dan Kehoe ingratiates himself with the cantankerous mother of four outlaws and their beautiful widows in order to find their hidden gold.