Child-in-adult-body tries to play Detective, but he's too stupid, and his lucha-libre friends have to cover his ass every time he fouls a case up or gets thrown in jail. Meanwhile, there's a rogue Bank President who has a teleportation machine that he's using to make unauthorized withdrawals from rival banks, and...
In the service of Satan, a murderous vampire is turning wrestlers into his unwitting thrall, and it's up to Mil Máscaras and Superzan to stop him and save the world.
Mano Negra sends a group of alien dwarves led by Aker to the state laboratory to kidnap the professor Arego and obtain the formula for the cultivation of microorganisms. The formula is divided among his four daughters and most work at a circus. The aliens take capsules that make themselves invisible, kidnap the girls and are eventually revealed to be blue-skinned, red-eyed monsters who are reduced to a puddle of green goo when killed.