Gennady Medvedev


The First Summer
A small town on the Volga, mid-2000s. In the life of the resourceful Sasha, the fifteenth summer comes: again fooling around with friends, again going to the local "igrovukha" and the first summer part-time jobs...Everything goes on as usual, but Sashka does not know yet - it is this summer that he will have to take responsibility for someone else's life, meet love and get involved in dangerous troubles.
Mr. Knockout
The film tells the story of the legendary Soviet boxer Valery Popenchenko, USSR and European champion and winner of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. His life was a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs - from his childhood in Tashkent’s Suvorov Military School and service as a border guard, to his first victories and failures, and his friendship with Dynamo sports society coach Grigory Kusikyants.
In a Girl’s Arms
Original Music Composer
A girl escapes from a village that has been burned by the Nazi. She meets a traveling circus troupe. Soon the troupe is confronted by the Nazi and only a juggling girl can save one of them.
Едем в школу!
Original Music Composer
Is cycling easy in winter? Bunny like no one knows the answer to this question, because every morning he goes to school a short road through the forest, unlike his friend Hedgehog. The hedgehog does not like anything new and goes to school on a trolley bus, and although this trip is not so exciting, it is safe. Does a bunny like fun or a bunny fun? Unknown It is only clear that he does not care about any forest obstacles!