Valeriy Garkalin
Birth : 1954-04-11, Moscow, USSR (Russia)
The three not-so-lucky guys are having the most difficult, weirdest and funniest day of their lives. Meanwhile, in Moscow, a gang of Kyrgyz conspirators begins to wield, a sexist gynecologist and a feminist traumatologist come to work, a film producer is cheating on the Motherland, and clay policemen are uncovering their batons. The only question is which of these meetings will become fatal for our friends.
One day, Valera wanted to do a good deed, to save the endangered animals. But what should we do if the one we want to help is five times bigger than you and ideally you would hold in your stomach?
A parents struggling with their children suddenly get an advise for psychologist - to exchange the kids...
famous actor
Five kinonovell, closely related to each other and as a designer gathering in one movie "about the movie." All the action takes place in cars, where the main characters unwittingly become hostages of sometimes absurd circumstances, as if they themselves are the heroes of the film. And, despite the large number of words spoken, the main characters will have to bear responsibility for each of them.
Seven good-ending stories for a whole family.
To a man who has never made mistakes, suddenly comes the conscience in the guise of his illegitimate blind son, and now in the life of the hero one mistake follows another. Conscience is an ill-mannered and insolent boy who comes when you do not expect him at all.
Comedy, in Russian language
In the center of events are three teenage girls whose parents are busy solving their problems and almost do not notice what is happening with their children. However, the film is not about children, but about how adults are sometimes inattentive.
Pavel Petrovich
Это – новогодняя комедия-сказка. Невероятно веселая и очень добрая. Хотя ее посещают вампиры и даже призраки, она совершенно не страшная. Потому что наш вампир боится крови, а призрак – слишком застенчив, чтобы кого-то напугать. Героине с прекрасным именем Елена в новогоднюю ночь предстоит пройти нелегкие испытания, чудесным образом получить Сокровище и встретить настоящую любовь. В этой истории, пожалуй, нет ни одного категорически кровожадного злодея. А девушка, чистая сердцем, победит и грабителей, и злые чары… Итак. Москва. На заснеженной автобусной остановке ветер треплет разрезные полоски объявления. Девушка ежится от холода, прикрывает нос яркой варежкой, читает: "Требуется бесстрашный и чистый сердцем человек на работу сменной продавщицей. Опыт работы не обязателен. Вознаграждение практически гарантировано." Внимательно перечитав дважды, она решительно отрывает объявление целиком…
Christian - Prince
Drama based on life and love of a famous Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen.
It's a reflection on whether the Fairy Tale, Dream and Love can survive today and whether they have a place in the modern world. More precisely, in those little worlds into which this world is split, each of which has its own laws, its kings and presidents, like in a toad swamp, its own security and accounting, like in the hole of the Mouse and the Mole. The action of the new fairy tale largely reflects modern reality, there is a lot of humor, satire and a little sadness in it.
A single and not so young poet living in Moscow suddenly discovers that his summerhouse was sold by crooks to two different people.
18-year old girl, called Slavka, born in a small northern town, comes to Moscow - to become a singer or a real pop-star. She got no cash, but just the business card of one of the most famous music producer, called Larisa. But Slavka appears to be quite pushy, and gets herself on board Larisa. And suddenly psycho shock happens - 48-year old Larisa recognizes herself and her own youth in a teen age Slavka, who has the same fighter's nature...
Sometimes you need to become somebody else in order to understand your own destiny...
Vadim Yershov has lost everything he had: family, home, favorite job. His daughter is attached to a wheel-chair after an accident that happened partly by his fault. From this stress, Vadim accumulated so much negative energy that now he can literally kill by his word and look. A big-scale scammer Avenir decides to use Vadim's gift in his interest, offering help with medical treatment for his daughter. Through Avenir, Vadim meets with a wonderful woman named Yelena. His love to her helps him to cure his daughter and his own soul.
Кто из нас не застревал в лифте? Так и случилось с Евгением, который не доехал до этажа своей любовницы какого-то метра. Вызванные спасательная служба, пожарные расчёты, машина скорой помощи, милиция и соседи не могут починить лифт. Неожиданное спасение горе-любовника, захмелевшего от припасённого коньяка и шампанского, приходит в лице мужа героини.
How to become a star? Thorny path to Olympus. Young Zoya Misochkina in the backyard of the provincial town "Lokotki" meets two producers, Pridorozhnyy and Bolotov, from whom the prima donna Irma has just fled. Zoya passionately wants to sing, so she joins in with new acquaintances and finds herself in a large apartment with two seemingly serious gentlemen, and with close acquaintance, half-crazy touching clowns. Zoya's life turns upside down. Vocal lessons, beauty salons, gyms, presentations, all this should turn an unknown nondescript girl into a new pop star.
After her father dies Vera is forced to become a president of his company and continue the business.
captain of the gendarmerie Skorokhodov
Николай Крышкин
A young girl wants to rob her mother's bank in order to have her to leave work and come home for a New Year Eve.
военный ухажер
Vasiliy Krolikov / Innokentiy Shniperson / Roman Almazov / Patrick Crolikow
The story starts in a Siberia where world's biggest diamond was found. It is so valuable that it may not only pay off the enormous national debt, but also allow every Russian citizen to move to the Canary Islands. However, Mafia plans to steal the massive gem but a notorious thief, Vasia, ruins their plans. Mafia and militia begin chasing him, but soon Vasia learns that he has brothers as between the chase he runs into well known Jewish conductor and a gypsy baron who are triplet brothers.
Musical drama
The protagonist finds out that some children were left behind in a sinking school, and is slowly driven mad as he tries to save them. A parable on the theme of the Last Judgment, numerous catastrophic events reveal a certain ambiguity in their origins, accompanied by the terrible suspicion that the things going on are some kind of a performance or theatrical production.
A story of two brothers who leave rural Polesiya to seek a better life in Kyiv. One of them quickly finds himself atop the wheel of fortune and the other -- at its bottom. The first brother dies mysteriously and the second brother attempts to take over his work, but in the process begins to lose his humanity, slowly transforming into an undead monster. Based on a story by Vladimir Drozd, "Amulet" is a rare example of horror cinema in the history of Ukrainian film.
Vaska Gryaznoy
Adaptation of 'Prince Serebrenni' by A. K. Tolstoy.
Alexey Grekov, nicknamed "Greek"
The story of a player who entered the environment of professional gamblers in the hope of breaking a big jackpot.