Zilla Zuliza


Sukma Terbelenggu
"Sukma Terbelenggu" is a horror film centered on a family consisting of Arya (father), Hesti (mother), and their two daughters, Beby and Rara, at a house in the Puncak area. Starting as a family in a normal house, the grandmother's hatred for Hesti (mother) and the frightening warning never to open the locked grandmother's room make the house full of terror and strangeness. Follow the journey of Beby and her two friends as they discover more and more strange and mystical happenings in the house.
Ayu Anak Titipan Surga
Ayu and her two best friends try to save Evi when she is abducted by a mob of human trafficking mafia. Ayu also received sympathy from various parties for her courage.