Michael Turner

Michael Turner

Birth : , North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Michael Turner is a musician, and writer of poetry, prose and opera librettos. His writing is noted for including detailed and purposeful examination of ordinary things. Turner was an original member of the Vancouver band Hard Rock Miners, formed in 1987, singing and playing guitar and banjo. His 1993 book Hard Core Logo about his experiences fronting the band was adapted into a film of the same name by Bruce McDonald in 1996.


Michael Turner


The Tree Inside
Adrian Lumière
The Tree Inside is film about woman must find a way to overcome her seasonal impulse to change when she meets the man of her dreams.
Elimination Dance
Ever more bizarre criteria are used to eliminate couples from a secret dance event.
Hard Core Logo
Bruce Macdonald follows punk bank Hard Core Logo on a harrowing last-gasp reunion tour throughout Western Canada. As magnetic lead-singer Joe Dick holds the whole magilla together through sheer force of will, all the tensions and pitfalls of life on the road come bubbling to the surface.