Deep in Detroit, where filmmaker Kevin Ronca chronicles the past, present, and future of Rome, a former gang member turned communist activist that with the help of his growing online fan base, is building his community, reporting on issues with his Revolutionary Blackout Network (an all-black Youtube channel amassing millions of views per year), and trying to build his own communist party… To overthrow the government. Following Rome around the grief-stricken dilapidated environment of a once bustling city of black families, what now stands is a testament to government neglect and corruption. This will be the first in a long line of yearly TV specials, an abridged film, that will follow different fascinating and sometimes controversial figures in their own environment for a weekend.
Deep in Detroit, where filmmaker Kevin Ronca chronicles the past, present, and future of Rome, a former gang member turned communist activist that with the help of his growing online fan base, is building his community, reporting on issues with his Revolutionary Blackout Network (an all-black Youtube channel amassing millions of views per year), and trying to build his own communist party… To overthrow the government. Following Rome around the grief-stricken dilapidated environment of a once bustling city of black families, what now stands is a testament to government neglect and corruption. This will be the first in a long line of yearly TV specials, an abridged film, that will follow different fascinating and sometimes controversial figures in their own environment for a weekend.
Shot during the Chinese New Year of 2020 in Foshan, the filmmaker intended to make a home movie of his vacation with family, but ended up capturing the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.