Arthur Koestler

Arthur Koestler

Birth : 1905-09-05, Budapest, Hungary

Death : 1983-03-01


Arthur Koestler was a Hungarian/British novelist, essayist and journalist. In 1931, He joined the Communist Party of Germany, but he resigned in 1938 because Stalinism disillusioned him. Koestler embraced a multitude of political as well as non-political issues. Zionism, communism, anti-communism, voluntary euthanasia, abolition of capital punishment, particularly hanging, and the abolition of quarantine for dogs being reimported into the United Kingdom are examples.


Arthur Koestler


Memories of Berlin: The Twilight of Weimar Culture
Self - Interviewee
The film tells the cultural story of Berlin during the Weimar Republic through interviews with a number of persons who were involved in literature, film, art, and music during the period. It includes interviews with Christopher Isherwood, Louise Brooks, Lotte Eisner, Elisabeth Bergner, Francis Lederer, Carl Zuckmayer, Gregor Piatigorsky, Claudio Arrau, Rudolf Kolisch, Mischa Spoliansky, Herbert Bayer, Mrs. Walter Gropius, and Arthur Koestler.
Drei Tage bis Mitternacht
The socialist dream collapses.