H.S. Kapadia


This Bit of That India
Director of Photography
"This Bit of That India" is a layered reflection on youth culture, diversity, progress, education, technology and sexuality. The film juxtaposes documentary moments that celebrate individual freedom with a theatrical performance of Federico Garcia Lorca's "The House of Bernarda Alba", as a metaphor for repression and conformity.
Camera Operator
“Unlike a cartoon film, which is a rapidly moving series of photographed drawings, in pixilation, a moving object is shot frame by frame, and then through clever editing made to appear in motion. By its nature, this movement is agile, energetic and unpredictable just like the pop art movement.” [Pramod Pati]
Forms and Designs
Director of Photography
A short film that sets up an opposition between functional forms of industrial age and decorative ones from Indian tradition.
I am 20
Director of Photography
Those born on Independence Day in 1947 were selected from different parts of India and interviewed to know their hopes and desires,ambitions, hobbies, fears and frustrations and the result is this unique film.