Kelly Juvilee

Kelly Juvilee


Kelly Juvilee


Reign of Chaos
When the world is gripped by a plague unleashed by the evil lord Chaos, and humans are turned into rabid creatures, mankind can only be saved by three young women, descendants of a Goddess, with the power to stop Chaos' evil.
After purchasing a doll, Lane's life takes a turn for the worse when close friends and family begin vanishing.
After being embarrassed by the mean girls at school, Faye, a practicing witch, summons the evil Cupid to take revenge on all those who wronged her. On Valentine’s Day, Cupid does in fact rise and will stop at nothing until the walls are covered in blood. The students must figure out a way to stop Cupid and undo the spell before their hearts get broken… literally.
3 men, considered as losers in their lives by the people, plan to get rich along with their girlfriends by fooling 2 gangsters and robbing their money.
Scarecrow's Revenge
A Viking Warrior must step up when a heathen, banished from her village gives up his mortal soul in exchange for the near indestructible form of a demonic Scarecrow. As warriors fall to the vengeful Scarecrow, it's down to Greta to save her village from annihilation.