Jiří Knot

Jiří Knot

Birth : 1949-05-08, Praha, Československo


Jiří Knot


What Men Want
The charismatic and self-confident man, Karel Král, is the editor-in-chief of men's magazine. Although a chauvinistic type, he is very popular with women. However, he struggles in his personal life. He frequently argues with his ex-wife over their 17 year-old daughter Julie, who despises his new way of life. Then the consequences of his behavior catch up with him. He loses his job, and the editor-in-chief position is given to a young and beautiful woman. But his bad luck does not end there. After another fight with his ex-wife and daughter, and a woman driver crashing into his car, Karel and his best friend Cestmír have an evening of binge drinking. During the wild night, he expresses a wish to be a woman. When he wakes up the next morning he discovers that his wish has been granted.
The Gracious Ghost
In a godforsaken cave, a traveling journeyman fills his pockets with gold. Voita lost his father and mother in the war and is now seeking his fortune in the world. He got to the abyss at Gallows Mountain only by chance - or have mysterious powers led him there in this spooky stormy night? Suddenly, he notices a strange fellow among the treasures. The apparent ghost and custodian of this treasure chases away the young man, who still manages to secretly pocket a small, fateful lighter...
Dilino a čert
I Served the King of England
Prague, Czechoslovakia, during the inter-war period. Jan Dítě, a young and clever waiter who wants to become a millionaire, comes to the conclusion that to achieve his ambitious goal he must be diligent, listen and observe as much as he can, be always discreet and use what he learns to his own advantage; but the turbulent tides of history will continually stand in his way.
Lojzička je číslo
Slečna Guru
Útěk do Budína
Zázračné meče
Spravedlivý Bohumil
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Travels with Father
In the fourth film in the series, in 1910's Russia, a few acts of clumsiness puts Indy at odds with his father who is greatly displeased with Indy. Indy runs away into the Russian countryside and wakes in the morning on a haystack. He encounters colorful Gypsies, fierce Imperial Cossack troops, and an odd, cantankerous old man named Leo Tolstoy, who is in full agreement that "hell" is other people. Later, in Greece, Indy meets Nikos Kazantzakis, the writer who would some day write Zorba the Greek.
Hřbitov pro cizince
Eugene among Us
Young Eugene from the provinces travels to Prague in search of fame. Once there he gets an offer to write engagé lyrics for pop songs...
Čert a dráha
Spící princ
The Three Veterans
It is a story of three veterans released from the army. During one night spent camping in the country they one by one wake up and meet three elvish brothers. Each of the veterans is given a magic item - one gets magic harp that provides him with servants by wish, other one endless pouch of gold and the last one owns magic hat that can create all the staff excluding money and people.
O spící princezně, šípkových růžích a uražené víle
O statečném kováři
Hrdinou příběhu je silný a odvážný mladý kovář s dobrým srdcem. Jmenuje se Mikeš a stejně jako jeho otec i on zatouží vydat se do světa na zkušenou. Cestou se spřátelí se dvěma mladými siláky, mlynářským pomocníkem Matějem a pacholkem Ondrou. Když se dovědí o třech krásných princeznách, které záhadně zmizely, přesvědčí Mikeš své lenivé společníky, aby se vydali ztracené královské dcery hledat. Po dlouhé cestě plné překážek se jim podaří zjistit, že princezny unesl zlý Černý král. Když se Mikešovi podaří přelstít ohyzdnou babici, a výměnou za její utržený vous získat její služby, podaří se jim osvobodit dvě ze tří princezen. Boj o záchranu třetí, nejkrásnější princezny však bude mnohem obtížnější.
Bulldogs and Cherries
The dreaded Italian mafioso, Marian Labuda, will also be convinced. Mafioso Carmello was guilty of the principles of his organization when he tried to fool the boss and earned a death sentence. The convict runs away from the killer through Vienna to Prague, which his Austrian colleague in crime recommended as a safe hiding place. None of them knows that the Czechs learned so much tricks under real socialism that a seasoned Italian professional is not enough to watch.
Sugar House
In the final days of the Second World War in 1945 Frantisek Pribyl is killed during a shoot-out with the Germans. After the funeral, the widow (Jana Svandová) and her two young sons Martin and Ondra move to her deceased husband's native village at the foot of the Kralický Snezník mountains. Life in the borderlands is far from easy for the lonely woman. The village is almost deserted, food supplies are delayed; the Werwolf (Nazi guerrilla squads) are hiding in the mountains, and shooting is heard from time to time. The elder son Ondra (Michal Dlouhý) is helping out his mother and at the same time absorbing intense new experiences. He meets an old Czech resident Skurek (Lubomír Kostelka), German women working in the forest, soldiers from the engineering units removing the mines, and a young first lieutenant. At night he dreams about his dead father whom he loved very much. This is why he runs away from home when he finds out that the lieutenant is courting his mother.
Those Wonderful Movie Cranks
Returning home to Prague, the magician Pasparte, an owner of a circus caravan, meets his dying colleague who entrusts his beautiful daughter Aloisie to his care. In Prague they all take up their lodgings at the house At Blue Fish in which they intend to arrange the programs. The firm is owned by widow Evzenie with whom Pasparte shares flat and bed. Evzenie is jealous of Aloisie therefore Pasparte sends Aloisie as a housewife to the single man Jakub Kolenatý who earns his living by photographing and wants to record the revived pictures of Prague. Pasparte wants to found in Prague the first permanent Czech movie theatre in which there would be projected also the original Czech films.
Co je platno kárat, co je platno kázat
Básník, služka a král
Šestapadesát neomluvených hodin
Day for My Love
The sore and tender hearts of a young couple with a toddler are explored in this drama. The little girl, four years old, is not aware that she is doing anything distressing while she ambles about the house on the day after a post-examination celebration by her father, a university student. Even though hung over, he tries hard to be patient with her. The beginning of the story follows her on her little adventures. The girl comes down with a fever, which kills her before anything can be done, and the student and his photographer wife mourn and comfort one another. Little encounters with children cause the mother pain she is seldom free of, until she gives birth to their next child, a son.