José-Michel Buhler


Sons of the Wind
Between 2002 and 2010, more than 10,000 civilians were killed by the Colombian army and thrown into mass graves—with the aim of demonstrating the success of the offensive against the FARC. Felipe Monroy offers a voice to the families of the victims of this unpunished state crime, thereby creating a heartrending film that stands against the worst crime of all: oblivion.
Dream Racing
Oscar, 18 years old, is passionate about horse racing. At night, he dreams of winning horses and bets on them every day with success at the popular bar in his neighbourhood. When one evening he sees a former lover of his mother's, everything falls apart. The return of this man in his life causes Oscar a real emotional shock that brings back dark memories and tragically affects his premonitions.
Dead Souls
In Gansu Province, northwest China, lie the remains of countless prisoners abandoned in the Gobi Desert sixty years ago. Designated as ultra-rightists in the Communist Party’s Anti-Rightist campaign of 1957, they starved to death in the reeducation camps. The film invites us to meet the survivors of the camps to find out firsthand who these persons were, the hardships they were forced to endure and what became their destiny.