Stefan Crepon

Stefan Crepon

Birth : 1996-07-21,


Stefan Crepon


Making Of
Peter von Kant
Peter von Kant, a successful, famous director, lives with his assistant Karl, whom he likes to mistreat and humiliate. Through the great actress Sidonie, he meets and falls in love with Amir, a handsome young man of modest means. He offers to share his apartment and help Amir break into the world of cinema. Several months later, Amir becomes a star. But as soon as he acquires fame, he breaks up with Peter, leaving him alone to face himself.
Guillaume Mars
Clémence, the fearless mayor of a town near Paris, is completing the final term of her political career. With her faithful right-hand man Yazid, she has long fought for this town plagued by inequality, unemployment and slumlords. However, when Clémence is approached to become Minister, her ambition arises, questioning her devotion and commitment to her citizens. Will her political integrity and election promises survive her newly found ambition?
A seaside resort in the middle of winter, with its abandoned beach bars and rain-battered alleys, can easily flank the drone. Refugees on the top floor of a building in La Grande Motte, Carole and Richard Lazure have zero morale: swindled by their tax advisor and badly defended by an incompetent lawyer, they lost their business, their house and no longer even enough to buy the essentials. The eruption into their life of a childhood friend of Richard, a talkative talker with questionable dating, could be a game-changer - or make their situation worse.
Midwife Man
Julien takes up his post in a child protection center in an underprivileged neighbourhood. He is soon confronted with the difficulties that make up the daily life of the center's team. During his first consultation, he meets Léa, who has become pregnant as a result of rape.
Etienne, 18, tries to find his place within his family. The father, a former skinhead, can’t bear any longer his son’s behavior. He finds him indolent, lazy, dreamy, a night bird. Yet the young man is looking for his father’s admiration, while opposing him at the same time. This paradox, this identity crisis will bring Etienne to a point of no return one morning when his father asks him to come and help him dismantle a small camp of refugees just outside the village.
The Salt of Tears
Luc travels to Paris for the first time to sit the entrance exam for a carpentry school. There he meets Djemila, a young worker with whom he enjoys a short romance, before returning to his home town and beginning a relationship with Geneviève, whom he has known since childhood. Caught between two passions, Luc runs, resolving to fulfil his father's dreams by devoting himself to his future... until finally, he experiences true love.
Blue Hour
Short film.
The Prayer
Thomas is a drug addict. In an effort to put an end to his habit, he joins a community of former addicts who live isolated in the mountains and use prayer as a way to cure themselves.
The Girl from the Pool
Eliott expects to spend a boring vacation with his family, but he falls in love for the first time.