Hiroko Kino


Gokinzo Yaburi Ieyasu no Kubi
This is the third installment in the series that was broadcast on Fuji TV's "Historical Drama Special" in 1983, and the story continues from the end of previous work. Ichibei, who plays Tomisaburo Wakayama, is in a series of pinches, such as being seriously injured to the spear and being caught by the Oniwaban and tortured. The action scene in the snow, which reversely utilizes the fact that it was snowing in Kyoto at the time of shooting, is also very powerful.
Fangs of Darkness 2: Ieyasu's Head
Ichibei teams up with Chief Jindayo of the Goomune (Japan’s gypsies’) in order to steal the shogunate’s solid gold statue of Ieyasu which might bankrupt the central government and complete his revenge against the Tokugawa by toppling them from the seat of power. Meanwhile a mysterious swordsman has entered the area while trying to keep his true identity secret. Will his bloody blade help or hinder Ichibei’s quest for retribution? Will their actions change the course of Japanese history?