"Girl Crush" follows Jessie, a 24-year-old aspiring musician stuck in a rut at a local indie cinema, grappling with writer's block. Her world takes a turn when she's assigned to mentor Brianna James, a local indie musician and Jessie's idol. Guiding Brianna sparks newfound purpose, breaking Jessie's writer's block. But as lines blur, Jessie realises her feelings go beyond fandom – she's crushing for Brianna. Adding a whimsical touch, Jessie can't stop hearing music in her head, offering a humorous insight into her thoughts. This queer musical rom-com series explores Jessie's journey of discovering bisexuality against the backdrop of the indie music scene.
Sara's Friend
A washed-up musician teams up with a teacher and a kids show personality to protect young children from a sudden outbreak of zombies.
Use Me is a provocative thriller following filmmaker Julian Shaw (playing himself) as he makes a documentary about ‘mental humiliatrix' Ceara Lynch (playing herself). Lynch is a new breed of online sex worker who has made a fortune humiliating her willing clientele over the Internet without ever meeting them in person. As Julian delves deeper into Ceara’s bizarre practice he discovers that the line between fantasy and reality isn’t as clear as she portrays it to be. Could it be that Ceara is hiding something deeply unethical from Julian? Perhaps some of her clients aren’t as willing as she has portrayed them to be? When Julian engineers a real-world encounter between Ceara and a slave he believes she has wronged, a game of cat and mouse begins that could have life and death consequences.
Deep in a remote marshland, three young biologists conduct research but when they encounter an ancient evil, science ends and survival begins.